Whats Different About Special Invites?

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. január 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Whats different about special invites?

    Special Invites are invites you don't have to pay for with credits, thus they are free to send.
    As an added bonus, the invitee will start their PTM account with 10GB in upload stats, allowing them time to get used to the way we do things round here.
    Special invites normally have a UseByDate, its a use them or lose them case.

    Whats the same...
    Don't send them to yourself ( or anyone on your IP address ) , this wont work..
    Don't send them to people you dont know ! ( no trading / forum give aways etc. they always bring the worst type of users )
    There is and always has been a credit reward system that pays you up to 2,500cr per invitee when one of your invitees is promoted up the ranks of PTM!
    The reward system overview
    Invitee promoted to : Mover : Pays you 250cr
    Invitee promoted to : Trader : Pays you 500cr
    Invitee promoted to : Pusher : Pays you 750cr
    Invitee promoted to : Deity : Pays you 1000cr