Külföldi torrent oldalak Orpheus | OPS | Apollo Xanax

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. november 25..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    In the wake of what can only be described as a tragedy, where the world lost an extraordinary tracker to corporate greed, we bring you XANAX to ease the pain. First we lost OiNK and now we've lost What.CD... We can't just stand by and watch this happen again.

    We open our doors to thousands of heartbroken music lovers and we are confident that our community will build itself back up, piece by piece.

    I'd like to quote What.CD staff: "What happens next is in your hands." Let us show the world they can't bring down the love for music.


    Day one

    Incredible beginning, at the time of writing we have over 3500 new members and over 1000 torrents uploaded, all of that achieved in just under 6 hours, we are overwhelmed. It's breathtaking to see parts of the community embracing us this early and it makes us even more determined to fight and bring back the content What.CD had made available for every one of us.

    Our plan forward is to bring up a secure IRCD, so we can get the chatting and plotting going.

    We'll be working on a whatimg replacement, hopefully up within weeks.

    But our main objective will be to bring the content back to what it was, step by step and build the community back up on its feet.

    Our plan is to have a more community driven site, where we'll be having certain site decisions up for a vote.

    Security wise, we'll be looking to force https on both www and tracker. Backend wise we're set up securely and will continue to upgrade our system.

    For those of you who have asked about donations, that is not important at this time.

    Spread the word, we're here to stay.
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