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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. január 31..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Recent News
    Today, 03:03 AM - HOT Shutting Down 2/19/18 - Added by b*

    It has been almost a year since H.O.T. was handed over to me to manage from budyzer because he had way to much stuff going on in his life at the time (and still does) to dedicate time to improve this amazing community. Priorities In Real Life (IRL) must take priority over anything virtualized, always.

    At the time, I had very idle hands - but as fate would have it my life became equally busy and I experienced a 50% loss of income 2 months after I started. Ironically for the same reasons I must declare defeat.

    We would like to give special thanks to those of you who have contributed to our community and kept it going over the last few years:
    Owners: budyzer
    Moderators: jackhammer9 / johnnykobeis / drunkendog / Wick3d
    Sysops: bechong
    Admins: ruffus / synners
    Uploaders: mattdahack / overdrive / sparkle99552 / TheophanusW / bechong / budyzer / drunkendog / Wick3d / MansWisdom / derplicator / asterix / HellFury / Chailla / skorpio69

    Please do not think for a moment we were just here to get money from you and leave. You deserve better than that. We have disabled the donation system at this time. We thank you for your financial support and would like to return the favor. Therefore, everyone who donated in 2017 will receive a refund via paypal back to the same account.

    I wish I could go back further than that, but I have no control over what happened before I took over the site I would like to give a shout out to gianny, MansWisdom, and komododragon for giving so much in the past. I'm certiain that is what kept the site going before and our community thanks you.

    We don't want to leave you with no where to go, so we have arranged a special offer from TorrentLeech (TL) to accept our users (if you don't already have an account there). ExtraTorrent and SCC users also migrated to TL in the past year. Please use invitiation code TOOHOTFORTL if you sign-up. TL is a ratio-based site and it can be a little difficult to get off the ground. For this reason they have given us a 10GB upload credit to make it easier.
    Sign-Up URL: https://www.torrentleech.org/user/account/signup

    The best advice I can give you for TL is to find a torrent that is popular and brand new that is smaller than 10GB and just let it seed for a month (or longer) until you are upgraded automatically to Power User. From Power User status you only have to watch your ratio after that and it is much easier to maintain. I've been seeding the same 5 TV Packs for a year and I have a 10TB download buffer - so there are tricks to the trade if you can just let them seed for a while.

    If you alredy have an account on TL or would prefer an alternative option we have also procured a sign up for GimmiePeers, a paid membership based site, using code HoT39z7ru204Pj66. You will be able to look around before deciding if you would like to become a member there. We recommend you register when you have a little time to browse their torrent selection.
    Sign-Up URL: https://www.gimmepeers.com/guestentry.php

    With a heavy heart,