Üdvözlünk a(z) cosanostra adatlapján!
Profil adatok
Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
Szint | 7 |
Típus | Film |
Felhasználók | 1028 |
Torrentek | 5032 |
Regisztráció | Zárt |
Arány | Könnyű |
Nyelv | |
Az oldal alakult | 01/18/2011 |
További bemutatók
2016 - linkEgyéb
Az oldal jelenleg: | Offline |
Elérési állapot: | 0 (magyarázat) |
Kapcsolat: | |
Kapcsolattartó: | |
IRC: | irc://irc.staysilent.net/CN.Support |
Hasonló oldalak: |
Adatlapot beküldte: |
Anonymus 2017-01-02 |
Legfrissebb hírek
News - 05.12.19
Sustain our cause. We need your help !
Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: xxxx
Donation of [ 0 ] BTC Received so far.
[ The change is near ! ]
News - 20.05.17
As some of you have already noticed, OmertaHD encoding group is now part of PTN family!
We are really happy to have them here.
A few thoughts from the group:
Born in a gangstah neighborhood (CosaNostra - R.I.P. ) we decided to change our costumes and give a try on this pirate life. You can definitely count on us to help on sailing this caravel until the end of the horizon!
-OmertaHD Team
By posztolóVége - 30.04.17
Mint ahogy a vezetőség bejelentette, hogy az oldal bezárásra kerül a mai nap, így már meg is történt.
A tracker már tegnap sem volt elérhető, fokozatosan kapcsolták le a funkciókat.
Sajnos egy remek oldal zárta be kapuit.
Reméljük még visszatér valamikor.
By CF dealer2 nap :( - 27.04.17
Hello Everyone,
Its with sad regret that I am announcing the shutdown of CN. Unfortunately there will be no re-incarnation of this site (unless someone decides to do that at a later stage).
It's been an awesome run, I think all up its been over a decade (if you add CNv1 which is where I came into the picture).
I would like to thank all those that have worked hard to get certain aspects of the site singing. I feel BT is becoming outdated with services like stan and netflix. Most have left the scene and people like me have been here too long...lol.
I did have several offers to buy CN, while those were tempting, I just have too much invested in this pace, as well as many cherished memories. Selling it would cheapen that for me. Would rather see the site die quietly like this, then possibly ruined by yet another failed incarnation.
Last special mention to the donors that helped keep the site going well after it should have. Its a testament to how much people liked CN.
Take care and if u see me on another site (my nickname is same everywhere dakka), don't be shy and send me a PM. May be a week or 3 before I answer tho...lol.
Post here if you want to comment or say goodbye:
News - 24.04.17
The tracker CN, CostaNostra, is closing down.
From admin BizarreMan:
Hello Everyone,
Its with sad regret that I am announcing the shutdown of CN. Unfortunately there will be no re-incarnation of this site (unless someone decides to do that at a later stage).
It's been an awesome run, I think all up its been over a decade (if you add CNv1 which is where I came into the picture).
I would like to thank all those that have worked hard to get certain aspects of the site singing. I feel BT is becoming outdated with services like stan and netflix. Most have left the scene and people like me have been here too long...lol.
I did have several offers to buy CN, while those were tempting, I just have too much invested in this pace, as well as many cherished memories. Selling it would cheapen that for me. Would rather see the site die quietly like this, then possibly ruined by yet another failed incarnation.
Last special mention to the donors that helped keep the site going well after it should have. Its a testament to how much people liked CN.
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

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