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Looking for Officials - 17.04.22

Hi All!

Hope you're all keeping well and safe!

We are looking for new Moderators / Officials to come help out... why I hear you ask? Well firstly you get site wide freeleech for as long as you're on staff, working within a great team, and helping run the site ensuring torrents are edited correctly when uploaded to the site, and ensuring the site we know and love runs smoothly for all!

If you're interested, come have a chat with one of us and we can go through what's involved; no prior experience is needed! All we ask is that you;

- Have been on site more than 6 months,

- No warnings / HnR's

- Are able to contribute approx 2 hours a day (we are flexible with this of course as we know RL gets in the way).

Interested? Come have a chat, we don't bite.

Thanks for all your continued support! 

ukmark & The IS Team

By bincy

News - 27.07.21

Happy 12th Birthday Immortalseed!! - 2021-07-25, 02:36 PM

Hey everyone!

We are celebrating our 12th birthday this month and we have a few special things going on:

  • Sitewide freeleech is on for the rest of the month! Enjoy, but please don't hit & run... seeding rules still apply.
  • In addition to the weekly bonus point lottery, the GB lottery is open with 5 x 250gb prizes which will be drawn in a week. Get your tickets here!
  • There will be a lotto grid set up in the forums with all kinds of fun prizes!! Watch out in the shoutbox for an announcement when it's open.

Just a reminder, for those who play blackjack, the annual scoreboard will be reset at the end of the month. Medals go to all in the top 25 and there is an extra special medal for the person in first place when the scoreboard resets!!

Thank you all for making this place so awesome... for TWELVE years!!!

By posztoló

News - 13.01.21

Regarding donations

Dear friends of Immortalseed

Happy new year!

After reviewing Immortalseed's future, we have come to the conclusion that we from now on can only accept donations using Bitcoins. We understand that this may be inconvenient for some of you, but unfortunately this is the only solution we have to keep the site, you and us safe and secure.

If you want to donate, but don't know how, here's a tutorial of how to: here

IS Staff

By posztoló

News - 01.12.20

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Fun!

As is the tradition around here, we go crazy for the holidays. Here are just a few of the festivities coming up:

Holiday themed movie/specials bonus: All holiday themed movies and specials uploaded this month will receive a X2 bonus! Just look for the X2 icon to ensure the torrent in question is eligible.

Random Shoutbox questions:

During December, any Staff member may pop up in the Shoutbox and ask impromptu quiz questions at random times throughout the week. It could be 1, 2 or 3 questions a day or 1 question every 1, 2 or 3 days, anytime, no one really knows. It is OPEN to all members, so watch out for it.

There will be lots of awesome prizes to be had!

DJ show:

Some time during December, t*** will host a DJ show. When will be announced at a later date, so stay tuned!

Holiday Forum Games:

Keep an eye on the games forum for special games just for the holidays! This may also include a special holiday scavenger hunt and jaree's 1,000,000 BPs Lucky Number Lottery.


The site lottery will run from December 20th through January 2. 10 winners will be selected to receive a 100GB upload prize! Further details here:

ts_lottery.php Good luck!

Donation Specials from December 1st to January 2:

All Free leech options will have an added upload bonus

All Upload options and the Ratio booster will see their bonuses doubled

The Super Donation Special will be reduced to $**!

Also, we need more staff! Ever wanted to know what it's like to strut around in a blue suit? Want to be part of a great team and have a few hours to spare? Then we need you! Go here to apply for a Moderator (Official) position: ts_applications.php Don't worry if you don't think you're techy enough, we will teach you everything you need to know. All staff get free-leech and an exclusive suit!

Thanks for all your support through out the year. We wish you and yours a very happy and safe holiday season!

By posztoló

Double upload - 20.07.20

Double Upload Days

All torrents are Double Upload (x2) between 2020-07-20 00:00:00 - 2020-07-27 00:00:00. (Please do not hit 'n' run, keep the torrents seeded!)

By posztoló

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