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Anonymus 2017-01-13 |
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News - 09.01.22
Support TorrentLeech: Help us with the server costs and gain awesome privileges! Learn more about it here!
Time left for our 17th Anniversary Lottery 00 Days 03 Hours 46 Minutes 58 Seconds Click for more info!
By CF dealerNews - 21.12.21
Welcome to our 17th(!) Anniversary Lottery!
WHOA! 17 (! SEVENTEEN! :O :O) YEARS passed! Time to throw one HECK of a party! And what is best way to throw one, rather than TLs 17th (!!!) Anniversary Lottery !!
A forum section exists for everyone to cheer and discuss about the lottery here!
How to participate
In order to participate in our lottery and win one of the awesome prizes, you should get yourself a ticket(or more!) The more tickets you buy, the higher the chances of winning :)
80 random tickets will be drawn, and when we say RANDOM we mean random! Its all over the internet for other private trackers doing "lotteries and/or raffles" and by surprise ghost accounts always winning the grand prizes!
The draw will take place on 09 January 2022 at 18:00 GMT. The winners will be announced on this page live as the drawing takes place!
The price per ticket is 5 EUR, with discount for bulk of 3 or 7 tickets. You can buy an unlimited number of tickets in total, but each time you can buy 1, 3 or 7 tickets.
Available payment methods are Cryptocoins(Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum or Dash) and Credit Card (Visa,Mastercard and AMEX). Choosing to pay in Cryptocoins will give a 10% discount!
Now, lets see what our winners will get!!
1st: A Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3090 OC 24GB GDDR6X GPU!!! Link -->HERE<--
2nd: A Playstation 5 Spider-Man Miles Morales Special Edition Console! Link -->HERE<--
3rd~4th: A Playstation 5 Console Disk Edition! -->HERE<--
5th: A Playstation 5 Digital Edition! Link -->HERE<--
6th~7th: A Nintendo Switch + 1 Game! Link -->HERE<--
8th~10th: An Xbox Series S -->HERE<--
11th~50th: One year VIP!
51st~80th: 1 Month HERO Seedbox subscription from Seedit4.me!
NOTE: EVERY ticket you purchase, no matter if it will be a winning or losing one, will grant you 1 day of VIP! In simple words: If you buy 1 ticket, you'll also get 1 day of VIP. 7 tickets will grant you 7 days of VIP etc! The VIP will be granted automatically on your account, after you purchase your ticket(s). Existing VIPs will see their VIP extended according to the number of tickets as well :)
Few more details
We will ship at our own expense worldwide!
If for any reason your prize cannot be delivered(out of stock/discontinued etc etc) we will send you same OR BETTER VALUE prize!
The draw will take place on 9th of January, 2022, at 18:00 GMT and winners will be announced here.
Winners will be contacted via pm either for asking your shipping info(where to send your prize! - or in case you win the one year vip, to inform you about it :) Of course, in case a current VIP wins the one year VIP, his VIP will be EXTENDED accordingly. Users who win the Seedbox subscription, would be PMed a unique code that will activate their 1 month subscription on Seedit4.me :)
So,don't wait any more!! Get your ticket, keep your eye on the clock and good luck!!
And most importantly of all, HAVE FUN!
Merry xmas!
Buy Tickets
Payment Method:
Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard)
1 ticket 5 EUR
By posztolóNews - 06.12.21
XMAS2021 invitation code
Christmas is near... Best way to celebrate it..? What about a Christmas invite giveaway??
Use invite code XMAS2021 in the sign up form https://www.torrentleech.org/user/account/signup and enjoy your new account! As cherry on top, you'll find your account with 15GB upload credit to help you start your epic journey! HURRY UP! For the first 10k people only!
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!!!
By posztolóWAŻNE - 15.10.21
Drodzy Użytkownicy,
długo zwlekaliśmy z tą myślą i cały czas mieliśmy nadzieję, że nie dojdzie do takiej sytuacji, jednakże pojawiły się problemy natury finansowej.
Otóż skończyły się nam zapasy i nie mamy funduszy na opłaty serwerów.
Dlatego zmuszeni jesteśmy prosić Was o pomoc.
Osoby, którym nie jest obojętny los TL prosimy o wpłaty - więcej info w tym temacie:
Dodatkowo przygotowaliśmy dla Was specjalną promocję:
- otrzymanie rangi Elita TL na okres 4 tygodni = 20 zł.
- otrzymanie rangi Elita TL na okres 8 tygodni = 35 zł.
- otrzymanie rangi Elita TL na okres 6 miesięcy = 75 zł.
- otrzymanie rangi Elita TL na okres 1 roku = 120 zł.
- usunięcie torrentów kompletnych i niekompletnych = 45 zł.
Czas trwania promocji: od 10 października do 31 października.
Cytuje:[QUOTE]Opis rangi Elita TL
Osoba szczególnie ceniona i wyjątkowo traktowana przez załogę.
Na wszystkich torrentach ma Free Leech'a (nawet tych nieoznaczonych Free Leech'em), czyli do statystyk konta nie będzie naliczane ile pobrał danych oraz nie musi seedować pobranych pozycji - nie zostanie za to ukarany warn'em czy ban'em.
Torrenty pobrane w czasie posiadania rangi są od razu oznaczane jako wyseedowane (kolorem niebieskim w tle).
Dodatkowo ma te same przywileje co VIP.[/QUOTE]
W myśl idei - w jedności siła... dlatego głęboko wierzymy, że wspólnymi siłami poradzimy sobie z tym problemem.
Załoga TL.pl
By CF dealerNews - 19.02.21
Well be back soon!
Sorry for the inconvenience but were performing some maintenance at the moment. Well be back online shortly!
The Torrentleech Team
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

Megtekintve:1533 alkalommal