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Legfrissebb hírek

Yes folks, he's back - 08.04.22

Our friendly neighborhood hacker / invite seller has come back for a return engagement. Many users have seen a large number of security alerts.

It's a pain in the butt for certain, but hanging tight is about all you can do at the moment. That and make sure you don't see any unusual email or IPs on your account.

There's no need to forward the security alert emails, unless you find something changed on your account. If that happens, contact staff ASAP.


~Pornbay Staff

By bincy

News - 07.04.22

Pornbay are once again looking to recruit new First Line Support members. As you might recall we've already done this in the past and have since welcomed many new friends to the fold. And you also know we're expanding - we have a functioning invite system now, with new members joining the site regularly - and as such we need to expand our staff and FLS team as well. If you are interested in helping out and making Pornbay better, this might be up your alley.

What will be required:

Positive engagement with FLS duties

IRC presence. (We will help you set up.)

General torrenting knowledge, as well as knowledge of our site rules

An interest in helping others

A sense of humor, because we like to have fun and joke around

The IRC is an integral part of the team building process, as well as our primary method of communication and discussion between FLS, Moderators and Admin staff members. As FLS, IRC presence will be required preferably whenever you are active on site.

While FLS are not moderators and have no abilities to quality check torrents or moderate users, they should be prepared to point users in the direction of the rules when the user or users are close to or recently crossed the lines in regards to the rules.

Most importantly, FLS are here to help the users with any questions or problems. This includes teaching them the basics of torrenting and uploading, and with any issues they have.

If you apply for a position, we will ask that you really are interested. We will require of you to spend time in our IRC channels, as well as participate in the forums to help other users and answering staff PM's. In the previous thread we were lax with the requirements, but this time we will not be. While we obviously appreciate all the interest you guys have in helping out, if you can only give a few hours here and there, this offer is not for you. The position is of course totally voluntary. There are no real benefits; all you will get is that warm fuzzy feeling when you help a clueless user. New FLS will be recruited for a trial period of a few weeks after which we'll review your work and progress. There are also plans for new teams for FLS to help deal with other areas of the site as we develop further ideas, but nothing conclusive as of yet.

If you are interested in joining the ranks, respond in this thread and we will have a look at your history. If you have previously applied and are still interested then please apply again. Do not PM me or any other member of staff or send staff PM's, only respond in this thread. If we think you have what it takes, we might get back to you with more in depth info and questions.

If you are interested, please let us know in the official forum thread: Pornbay is looking to recruit new FLS members, do you want to join the junior staff ranks?

Pornbay Staff

By posztoló

News - 07.04.22

Yes folks, he's back...

Our friendly neighborhood hacker / invite seller has come back for a return engagement. Many users have seen a large number of security alerts.

It's a pain in the butt for certain, but hanging tight is about all you can do at the moment. That and make sure you don't see any unusual email or IPs on your account.

There's no need to forward the security alert emails, unless you find something changed on your account. If that happens, contact staff ASAP.


~Pornbay Staff

By posztoló

New Naming requirement on V2 / Hybrid torrents. - 04.04.22


Here at PB we've been watching what's been going on with the v2 / Hybrid situation. Apparently some people are still using this mode to create torrents ( either intentionally, or unknowingly).

One key give-away is the .pad files in the .torrent.

If you are uploading a torrent here to PornBay, you need to do one of the following:

1) Set your client / torrent creation tool  to only use v1 of the protocol. This is the preferred option of Staff

2) If that is not an option for whatever reason, then you MUST Add the following to your torrent title:

WARNING v2/Hybrid Torrent - <put what you'd normally put here>

Failure to do so will get the torrent deleted. Repeatedly not properly marking your torrent will get your upload privileges suspended or revoked.

The point of torrenting is sharing stuff, if people can't use your .torrent file because only a set of new clients can use it, that's not in the spirit of our community.


Pornbay Admin Team

By bincy

Account Securty Alerts. - 21.03.22

Greetings Pornbay,

   It seems that the war of Russian aggression has come to Pornbay's Doorstep. We have seen a large number of failed logins to numerous accounts here. Many of these are originating from Russian associated IPs. Not all, but a lot of them.  We recommend that all users verify the integrity of their account and update your password to a secure option.

Some ways of doing this:

1) Check your Email and IP History on your profile page.

2) Check Have I been Pwned website to see if your username / email / passwords have leaked onto the Darkweb:

3) Make sure your password is secure:


   A) Use a Unique password on Pornbay.

   B) Use at least 10 or more characters: A-Z / a-z / 0-9 and Symbols.

   C) Use a secure email service, Pornbay recommends  Gmail is a decent option as well.

4) Never share your login information with anyone.


5) Always verify that you see the https: in the URL address bar. Pornbay enforces the use of HHTPS, and our only official domains are: and

An ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure. At the end of the day, you the user are responsible for the security of your account. Staff will assist you if needed, but our priority at this point is the security of the site and our user's data.

Thank you,

Pornbay Staff

By bincy

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