Üdvözlünk a(z) Redacted adatlapján!

Profil adatok
Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
Szint | 5 |
Típus | Zene |
Felhasználók | 21700 |
Torrentek | 866000 |
Regisztráció | Meghívóval |
Arány | Nehéz |
Nyelv | |
Az oldal alakult | November 25th, 2016 |
További bemutatók
Az oldal jelenleg: | Online |
Elérési állapot: | 0 (magyarázat) |
Kapcsolat: | |
Kapcsolattartó: | |
IRC: | irc.scratch-network.net |
Hasonló oldalak: | |
Adatlapot beküldte: |
Anonymus 2017-03-04 |
Legfrissebb hírek
Best Releases of 2024: Final Results & Spread the Love 2025 - 17.02.25
Good things come in pairs, and this announcement is no different. Not only are we announcing the very best albums to check out from 2024, but be sure to keep reading below the fold for the commencement of our eighth annual Spread the Love charity event, which is accepting entries as of right now!
We also are thrilled to welcome our newest member to our Staff team — the lovely CocaCola — so please say hello when you see them on IRC or while browsing the site.
We're also extending our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Eclipse, who has recently stepped down after four incredible years of serving all areas of the site, including managing our interview system and leading our amazing Interview Team.
The results are in!!! Redacted chose the best releases of 2024 and once again pop reigns supreme. While it may have been a Brat 2024, Redacted once again displayed a vast appreciation of different genres and artistic styles. So what did Redacted vote as the best releases of 2024? Explore the lists, analytics, and collages below to find out!
More people participated this year than ever before, with a record 636 of you posting a list. Compared to last year, fewer overall releases got suggested, but there was still a grand total of 3407 unique releases in our lists. And like last year, everyone who posted has received a badge for participating! As always, thanks so much for contributing your list.
So what are the best albums of 2024? Check out the collage below to see:
Redacted's Official Top 100 Albums of 2024!
The Top 15 Albums of 2024
Note: the torrents listed in this announcement are not freeleech or freeload.
Other collages highlighting various stats can be seen here, with further breakdowns being in the stats post following this one. You can view cover grids of your lists in the stats post as well!
Thanks to all our uploaders! Over 251 members uploaded music that made the top 100. Our top uploaders were rodriguito, ilikepeaches, SadPeterPan, hubyfaterk3, Perun, Amethyst63, and sharky. These seven users each uploaded over 10 of the top 100 list submissions, and in total contributed 181 releases. Check out the full list of all 251 uploaders in the stats post!
Big thanks to the members developing excellent scripts to automate the results, and to dubiasu, sharky, hypermodified, & tentaculaire for helping with the collages, post, and graphics. And a big thanks again to Saturn for adding the new badges to the site.
Let's get the discussion started! Use this thread to let us know why you thought your list was best, what you think is missing, and any gems you happen to find in other users' lists.
Previous end of year threads and collages:
2016 Thread | 2016 Results | 2016 Collages
2017 Thread | 2017 Results | 2017 Collages
2018 Thread | 2018 Results | 2018 Collages
2019 Thread | 2019 Results | 2019 Collages
2020 Thread | 2020 Results | 2020 Collages
2021 Thread | 2021 Results | 2021 Collages
2022 Thread | 2022 Results | 2022 Collages
2023 Thread | 2023 Results | 2023 Collages
2024 Thread | 2024 Results | 2024 Collages
A big thanks to Takaji for the tastefully krafted artwork!
Happy Valentine's Day from Redacted, and welcome to our eighth annual Spread the Love charity event! This year, we're bringing this wonderful tradition into a new quarter century, in honor of the unparalleled Carl. We encourage you all to Spread the Love this year with a donation of food, clothing, or household items* to your favorite local charity. Although this is a contest with prizes on offer, any reward we distribute cannot match the importance of helping the less fortunate. To participate, simply post a picture in the Contest Entry Thread of what you are honestly donating with your username clearly visible. Optional: Please feel free to describe the charity you chose, and why. At the end of this drive, we will randomly draw five users to earn prizes such as:
- Custom title
- Contest winner badge
- 25 FL tokens
- Eternal gratitude
One entry post per person, but you may share multiple donations in that one post. The drive will run for one month, until midnight UTC on March 15. We look forward to seeing you all Spread the Love outside Redacted once again.
* Cash donations are welcomed by many charities but are not a part of this contest.
Please use the Spread the Love contest entry thread to submit photos, and the discussion thread for any commentary and chitchat regarding the contest.
By CF dealerNews - 12.03.22
The site is currently down for maintenance.
By posztolóNews - 23.11.21
Half a Decade
Five years ago, a star site was born. The circumstances were far from ideal: our initial community of refugees was still reeling from loss. We owe much to our precedessors, and shall never forget the site we wistfully recall as a mirage. The path from then to now was turbulent, and we have learned some lessons along the way. Chief among them is that our users, and their varied contributions, are at the core of our success. We are immeasurably proud of everything you the uploaders, rippers, helpers, interviewers, seeders, reporters, editors, the list goes on have built. This is not a curtain call, but you nevertheless deserve a standing ovation for your achievement, and the central role you have played in helping us reach this milestone.
As the old adage goes, time flies, and nothing lasts forever. We must enjoy the ride, but also hold one another to account. To that end, we hear the voices of constructive criticism. Many who challenge certain aspects of the site's philosophy and decisions, are among its most ardent supporters and contributors. That is a sign that you love this place like we do, and want it to evolve for the better. While we cannot always deliver what you want, we promise to consider your suggestions with the nuance they deserve, and be more diligent in providing context for our decisions.
Of course, no birthday party is complete without party favors, which are detailed below. Enjoy!
Everyone should now have 50 FL tokens to grab whatever you would like! The tokens will expire on January 7, 2022 at 23:59 UTC. If you don't use them, you will lose them. To receive tokens your account must have existed and been leech-enabled at the time of this announcement. You may consult Freeleech Tokens to understand how these work.
The following torrents, comprised of user recommendations, have been set to Freeload until November 30 23:59 UTC, which is a new feature designed to reward long-term seeding and retention. When a torrent is marked Freeload, only current seeders and those who have seeded in the prior week, accrue upload credit for data they send to the swarm. No one is charged for downloading.
By posztolóNews - 01.10.21
Potential issues accessing the tracker, IRC network or site via SSL
Public Service Announcement
Accessing the tracker, IRC network or site via SSL.
On September 30 2021, an old root certificate of our SSL Certificate Authority expired. Technical details are available at the end of this post, but this was not a surprise, and had been telegraphed for quite some time. This is not a site or tracker bug. Most of our users, operating modern browsers and devices, should not notice any change. However, those on older desktops or servers, may have trouble connecting to our HTTPS tracker (HTTP is unaffected), SSL IRC server or site, and therefore have to update some software, or manually download a certificate.
How do I know if I am affected?
If, in the past 48 hours, you encountered errors such as 'Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates', 'unspecified system error', or complaints from an application that our SSL certificate has expired (it did not), you are likely impacted. Note that Firefox maintains its own root certificate store, so while your browser may be fine, other applications, such as your torrent client, may still not function with RED via SSL.
Hang on a minute, why are none of my other trackers impacted?
Perhaps they are using a different Certificate Authority; the issue described in this post only affects Let's Encrypt.
What should I do?
If this is happening on a managed seedbox, reach out to your provider, and let them know they need to update your SSL software / configuration. You can guide them by noting this issue is caused by the recent expiry of the Let's Encrypt's DST Root CA X3 certificate.
If this is happening on your own desktop or server, the solution depends on your OS and other details. First, see if you can fix the issue yourself by following the links below. If that fails, do not hesitate to ask for Help. As a last resort, temporary solution for tracker-related issues, you can remove the s from https in your announce URL.
Useful Links
By posztolóFreeleech tokens - 19.09.21
In many countries, September marks the start of a new school year. For those of you who have recently returned to campus, below please find some staff-selected recommendations for your walk to class, bus ride, or commute. Those of you who are not going back to school are also welcome to enjoy! For grabbing these or any other releases you would like (see conditions below), please enjoy 25 freeleech tokens which you should now see added to your account! Important note: As always, remember RED Rec's are not freeleech.
The tokens will expire on October 19, 2021 23:59 UTC.
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

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