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Az oldal alakult 09/08/2010

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2016 - link


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Legfrissebb hírek

News - 14.04.22


We are currently looking for volunteers who can help us with site management by becoming volunteer staff. Depending on your interests, time and skill level you will be assigned different roles. The time commitment is not that big (just a few hours a week max) and the idea is that we get multiple people to cover all the timezones and minimise the workload on one staffer.

Whats required:

- Minimum 1 year membership

- Power User and above status

- Free time availability 3-5 hours a week total

- You will be compensated with monthly upload ratio of 5gb in the site of your choosing as well as the top 3 staff members of each site a much larger reward for their dedication

We mostly need people who have the free time to help us with the various tasks that are required to run the site such as user account management, removing dupe torrents, forum moderating and general support (IRC + Staff Contact). In general basically help us grow the sites by weeding out bad new user applicants and allow decent applicants to join the community.

If interested please use STAFF button and we’ll get in touch with you with further details.

Please include available time-slots (in GMT time) during the week: I.e. Monday-Tuesday: 19:00-20:00, Friday: 20:00-21:00 along with your preference in what you would be interested to do (forums, users hunting, user support, torrents). Senior Staff will provide all the training and guidance required in order to perform your tasks. Keep in mind this is not a contract; If you become unavailable all that is needed is to let us know.

Inactive staff members will be demoted to a special class and when/if time permits again for them to join us they will be promoted again.

Thank you for your time and stay safe!

By posztoló

Help Ukraine - 12.03.22

Help Support Ukraine & Get Free Ratio On Site

As you know, we usually stay away from politics here.

However in light of the recent conflict in Ukraine, we've decided to make an exception.

That's why until further notice all members who make a donation to one or more Ukrainian charities aiding those directly affected by Russia's invasion will receive free upload ratio as follows:

Donate 5 euro or more: 10 GB upload

Donate 120 euro or more: 200 GB upload

That way even if each of us gives just a little, it'll really help the Ukrainian people.

List of charities to consider donating to:

Voices of Children

Razom for Ukraine

United Help Ukraine

Emergency Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

Revived Soldiers Ukraine

Ukrainian Red Cross

Fundraiser For Sunflower of Peace

Or any other Ukrainian charity listed here:

If there is a charity you'd like to donate which isn't on this list, please send a Staff PM and ask us about it.

How to Get Ratio Credit After Donating:

Once you've picked a charity and sent your donation, all you have to do is. . .

1. Take a full page screenshot (meaning date and time visible with nothing edited) of the thank you or confirmation page presented. If the thank you page has your name or personal information visible, you may blur it out or remove it.

2. Upload the image to imgur or another image sharing site. You may delete the image after a few days if you like.

3. Send staff a message containing the url link via the Contact Staff button you see at the top right of this page.

4. Note: We are running this on all sister sites, one donation can be claimed on only one .click site of your choice

Please note it may take 24 hours for your donation credit to be added to your account.

Thank you.

~TCG Staff

By CF dealer

News - 09.03.22

Help Support Ukraine & Get Free Ratio On Site

As you know, we usually stay away from politics here.

However in light of the recent conflict in Ukraine, we've decided to make an exception.

That's why until further notice all members who make a donation to one or more Ukrainian charities aiding those directly affected by Russia's invasion will receive free upload ratio as follows:

Donate 5 euro or more: 10 GB upload

Donate 120 euro or more: 200 GB upload

That way even if each of us gives just a little, it'll really help the Ukrainian people.

List of charities to consider donating to:

Voices of Children

Razom for Ukraine

United Help Ukraine

Emergency Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

Revived Soldiers Ukraine

Ukrainian Red Cross

Fundraiser For Sunflower of Peace

Or any other Ukrainian charity listed here:

If there is a charity you'd like to donate which isn't on this list, please send a Staff PM and ask us about it.

How to Get Ratio Credit After Donating:

Once you've picked a charity and sent your donation, all you have to do is. . .

1. Take a full page screenshot (meaning date and time visible with nothing edited) of the thank you or confirmation page presented. If the thank you page has your name or personal information visible, you may blur it out or remove it.

2. Upload the image to imgur or another image sharing site. You may delete the image after a few days if you like.

3. Send staff a message containing the url link via the Contact Staff button you see at the top right of this page.

4. Note: We are running this on all sister sites, one donation can be claimed on only one .click site of your choice

Please note it may take 24 hours for your donation credit to be added to your account.

Thank you.

~TCG Staff

By posztoló

News - 15.08.21

Aug-14-21 - Small Downtime

We had a small power issue with the servers today which resulted in a downtime of a couple of hours until our host fixed the problem!

Everything should be working as normally now but if you notice any issues please contact us to fix it!!

By posztoló

News - 07.08.21

Captcha Update

Hello guys,

Just a small update: we have an updated captcha system for logging in as the old one was really showing its age and was not offering good protection

There was a small script kiddie attack that attempted to try username/password combinations that are found on a database of other sites - only a few accounts where successful and these have been disabled. The original owner can come to IRC to get it re-enabled.

By posztoló

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