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Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
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Anonymus 2017-09-09 |
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New Categories Added! - 16.08.19
RO: Dragi utilizatori Xtremefile,pentru o mai buna utlizare a site-ului am adaugat 5 noi categorii!
EN: Dear Xtremefile users, for better use of the site we have added 5 new categories!
Movies 4K - Movies BluRay-Ro - Movies Oldies - Movies Pack - TV Pack
By bincyWorld Of Thanks - 19.08.18
If you want to play World Of Thanks register from this links.
1.Link for Germany/Austria/Switzerland : http://tbadv.eu/8RWISK
2.Link for Romania: http://tbadv.eu/8oyHsO
3.Link for Finland/Netherlands/Norway/Sweden: http://tbadv.eu/8oyHsO
4.Link For UK/Ireland: http://tbadv.eu/3eL2Dt
5.Link for US: http://tbadv.eu/5pPrVm
6.Link for Rusia: http://tbadv.eu/2enwBG
7.Link for Poland: http://tbadv.eu/3Hz0CL
8.Link for Italy: http://tbadv.eu/4Y4hgZ
9.Link for the rest of the countries: http://tbadv.eu/0UaV3R
By bincyAttention - 15.12.17
Scenexpress s-a schimbat pe domeniul https://xtremefile.eu si utilizatori au ramas aceeasi asa ca puteti intra inapoi. Mult succes!
Scenexpress has changed to https://xtremefile.eu and the users have remained the same so you can come back with a lot of success!
XTREME-FILE - 02.10.17
Staff-ul XtremeFile este in cautare de persoane care sunt dispuse sa ajute urcand torrente (inclusive DHT).Pentru a deveni uploaderi nu trebuie decat sa aplicati o cerere aici,iar noi in cel mai scurt timp o sa va anuntam.
The XtremeFile staff is looking for people who are willing to help pick up torrents (including DHT). To become uploaders, just apply here, and we'll be announcing you in the shortest time.
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