Üdvözlünk a(z) Infinity-T adatlapján!

Profil adatok
Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
Szint | 4 |
Típus | Vegyes |
Felhasználók | |
Torrentek | 4536 |
Regisztráció | Szabad |
Arány | Könnyű |
Nyelv | |
Az oldal alakult |
További bemutatók
Az oldal jelenleg: | Offline |
Elérési állapot: | 0 (magyarázat) |
Kapcsolat: | |
Kapcsolattartó: | |
IRC: | |
Hasonló oldalak: |
Adatlapot beküldte: |
Anonymus 2017-09-16 |
Legfrissebb hírek
Site has shut down - 09.01.18
iNFiNiTY-T is closed.
On Saturday we became aware of an error in our system that could be exploited by a malicious hacker.
The user who discovered the error helped us get it fixed and shut down for the hole. We are very grateful for his help.
We have spent the whole weekend looking for similar errors in our system so we do not open up to uninvited guests.
We assume that security is in order and therefore we chose to close the page down until we have reviewed all the files.
Since we, as it seems right now, have to acknowledge that we have not been able to maintain the security we would like, we have chosen to shut down.
We can not rule out that the error has been found by others, so we want a security claim to encourage you all to change password if you have used the same somewhere else.
We hope for your understanding.
What now?
Yes, iNFiNiTY-T was one of the last Danish trackers. Unfortunately, there is no good file sharing karma in Denmark anymore. Below we have collected a number of links to other trackers you can choose to joine.
International tracker. Not much with Danish texts, however, is a little up. Join their IRC for the invite.
Swedish tracker with very Nordic content.
They currently have a universal invite in their news that you can use to create a user.
Norwegian tracker. They have some Nordic content as well. Invites may be available through their IRC.
Find out which page best suits your needs and join them. Thank you for the time we had together.
// Infinity-T Staff
By posztolóFREE LEECH + NO SEED - 04.01.18
Tak til alle de nye brugere der er kommet indenfor den sidste uge. Mange har spurgt, om
vi kunne gøre noget for det I mistede "det andet sted".
Vi kan ikke give jer det i har mistet, men vi kan til gengæld give alle infinity-ts
brugere FREE LEECH uden SEED til og med 28. februar 2018.
Vi er glade for, at I har været tålmodige til trods for de flaskehalse der er
opstået. Vi arbejder målrettet på at få optimeret performance, så vi fremadrettet
skalerer fornuftigt, hvilket ikke har været helt let med helligdagene i hele Europa.
Google forditás:
Thanks to all the new users who have come within the last week. Many have asked if
we could do something for what you lost "the other place".
We can not give you what you've lost, but we can in return give all infinity-ts
users FREE LEECH without SEED through February 28, 2018.
We are glad that you have been patient despite the bottlenecks there are
occured. We are committed to achieving optimized performance, so forward
Scaling sensibly, which has not been quite easy with the holidays throughout Europe.
By bincyShutting down - 30.12.17
Rough translation:
- Claim nothing was lost in the hack
- Blames the other danish tracker (DanishBits) for having to shut down.
- The groups on hounddawgs can now be found on the tracker infinity-t.org, which has free signup
By posztolóNews - 13.04.17
Kære brugere,
Mange har ydret sig et ønske om at Happy Betting skulle aktiveres igen.
Og da det nu er blevet påske og foråret er godt på vej (forhåbentligt) er Happy Betting blevet aktiveret.
Happy Betting vil være aktiv t.o.m. natten til Tirsdag, hvor det vil blive deaktiveret igen. (Dette kan ses i vores Betting sektion
Det er nu alle har chancen for at vinde mange Diamonds i vores Betting sektion https://infinity-t.org/pic/smilies/smile1.gif
Vores Betadmins vil sørge for der hele tiden er bets for enhver smag.
Held og lykke alle sammen https://infinity-t.org/pic/smilies/smile1.gif
- Infinity-T Staff
By posztolóNews - 02.03.17
Pga. opdatering af hele vores brugerklasse system og andre småting vil Infinity-T være offline i en kort periode Lørdag, d. 04/03-2017 fra ca. kl 09.00 - 09.30 (vi forventer dog det går hurtigere).
I dette tidspunkt vil det derfor ikke være muligt at bruge siden som normalt.
Trackeren vil ikke være påvirket af dette så dine torrents skal forblive kørende.
Ligeledes vil IRC serveren heller ikke være påvirket.
Vi beklager de genere dette måtte medføre.
- Infinity-T Staff
Google translate:
Due. update of our entire user class and other small items will Infinity-T be offline for a short time Saturday, d. 04/03-2017 from about at 9:00 to 09:30 (we do expect it faster).
In this time it will not be possible to use the site as normal.
The tracker will not be affected by this so your torrents to remain afloat.
Also, the IRC server can not be influenced.
We apologize for any upset this may cause.
- Infinity-T Staff
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

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