Üdvözlünk a(z) HD-Space adatlapján!

Profil adatok
Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
Szint | 7 |
Típus | HD |
Felhasználók | 16691 |
Torrentek | 71035 |
Regisztráció | Szabad |
Arány | Közepes |
Nyelv | angol |
Az oldal alakult |
További bemutatók
Az oldal jelenleg: | Online |
Elérési állapot: | 0 (magyarázat) |
Kapcsolat: | hd.space.org@gmail.com |
Kapcsolattartó: | |
IRC: | |
Hasonló oldalak: | |
Adatlapot beküldte: |
Anonymus 2018-08-11 |
Legfrissebb hírek
News - 29.03.22
From 1st April once season pack of a TV show is uploaded, all separate episodes will be deleted.
By posztolóNews - 04.01.22
The sign ups are now closed. Welcome to everyone!
Few changes has been made.
The first one is that you will no longer gain bonus points for torrents under 500 MB.
The invites from the seedbonus menu now costs 10 times more.
Also ALL invites will expire at the end of January.
By posztolóNews - 21.12.21
The sign ups are open for couple of days!
Happy Holidays to all! Wishing you all the best for the New Year!
Enjoy your time with your family and friends!
By posztolóNews - 18.10.21
I want to remind you that the H&R's are not tolerated here! After you download a torrent you are required to seed it for a MINIMUM 48 hours! Over 50...
By posztolóGroup - 02.10.21
New Internal Group
Posted by: Mr.Universe Date posted: September 24, 2021, 17:20:22
We are happy to announce that new group called "UnKn0wn" has joined to our internal team!
You can say them hello from here
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

Megtekintve:2071 alkalommal