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Üdvözlünk a(z) Megalara adatlapján!


Profil adatok

Elérhetőség Link az oldalhoz
Szint 1
Típus Jatek
Felhasználók 201
Torrentek 15
Regisztráció Szabad
Arány Nehéz
Nyelv angol
Az oldal alakult

További bemutatók


Az oldal jelenleg: Offline
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: bitGAMER
Retro Gaming Club
Audio Video Games
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

Site temporarily closed - 11.01.19

From the main page:

Megalara has closed temporarily, stay updated here

By posztoló

Important info - 23.11.18

Welcome to Megalara, you have now reached your destination.

Please read the site rules here for a general understanding of how we do stuff and to ensure your account remains active.


  • We do not care where you come from or your past history in any communities.
  • We're open to proposals and I encourage you to reach out to me via email at or via discord at yomiko#4546.
  • Our warrant canary is found here. There is also a copy of my public key if you ever require me to sign anything in response regarding any matter.
  • We do support 2FA, you can enable it by accessing your security settings. [username - > security]


Megalara has categories for most popular music game titles including resources for BMS / KSM. Since the site is new we're not sure which categories will strive the most so some categories could disappear given inactivity and with that said you're more than welcome to request additional categories here.


Contributing content to Megalara is rewarded and I will personally be rewarding individuals who go out of their way to do so. We're mostly looking for bemani style game resources. Upon uploading your first torrent you will receive the "golden ducky" reward which is a reward of 4,000 credits. Please gamble that away at our pattern pending slots machine linked at the end of this thread.

Myself and other team members will be also actively contributing more content following the initial public launch of Megalara.


Please read our uploading torrents guideline here. All torrents marked with a green tick are staff approved.


All content on this website is provided as backup content meaning that by downloading you agree that you legally own the said content or have explicit permission to obtain such content. Megalara does not have any n-0/n-1 rules however we do not release data in a predetermined routine, we provide when sourced. All information here is subject to change but rules towards such nature will remain the same.

[Bug reporting]

We encourage all users to report any issues you may find on Megalara to myself or another team member listed here. Users who have found any issues may receive a benefit such as extra credits, special privileges or just my love and support. If the issue is something serious and/or could pose a threat to the health of Megalara please be sure to privately message myself. Users caught abusing any bugs will be disabled.


Megalara is run purely on the voluntary kindness of individuals, and we hope to provide you with the best experience and convenience when it comes to sourcing online content for music games, and with that said, all torrents on the site are freeleech. If you wish to show your gratitude you're more than welcome to donate here. All donations will go towards the server costs.


  • If you are a talkative person be sure to check out our Discord.
  • If you wish to purchase badges for your profile such as dan badges then head over to the credit store.
  • If you wish to gamble for some more credits please head over to our pattern pending Bemani Slots 3000 machine.

Again, for any inquiries please contact me at or via discord at yomiko#4546.

That is all from me for now, may the games begin!

- Y*****

By posztoló

Global Freeleech - 21.11.18

Global Freeleech is active

By posztoló

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