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Legfrissebb hírek

News - 02.05.22

Invite a Ghost to NBL V2

Members of the Fleet,

Following on from our recent celebration of POTUS Joe Biden shaking hands with a ghost we feel we need to go further. As you're all aware by now the good lad Elon Musk has purchased Twitter! Rumour has it that he's now even considering buying McDonald's, and fixing the ice-cream machines, hooray!

In order to control who is getting our invites you are now being asked to PM me Garfield and ask for an invite. However, be aware that I do not accept bribes but I may accept Lasagne! In order to be eligible for an invite to give to someone you know well you must meet the following conditions:

Write in the subject line Garfield is a Cool Cat

You must have had an account for a minimum of 6 months

You must have zero HnRs and no current warnings

You must have a minimum Seeding Size: 500 GB

There is currently no timescale for this offer to expire.

// Garfield

Discuss this post here

By posztoló

Members of the Fleet - 25.04.22

To celebrate POTUS Joe Biden recently shaking hands with a ghost we have granted all enabled users 1 invite each.

These invites will be available to use for 72 hours from the time of this post.

Please use your invite wisely and invite a ghost of your choice to the Fleet!

// So say we all

By bincy

News - 02.04.22

Retirement as of Apr 1st

Hello members of the Fleet,

It is on this date, April 1st 2022, that I will be announcing my formal retirement as staff for Nebulance. Its been a fun run, and I feel that I brought several positive changes or enhancements to the site over my time here. I will be using my staff skills to help out a tracker that is struggling More Than us. I hope you all will understand, and perhaps Alastor will find a nice dog to replace me :tef318:

// K*

Discuss this Here

By posztoló

News - 16.03.22

Members of the Fleet,

When uploading Single Episodes be it 720p or 1080p please can you be sure to upload both resolutions.

We understand that some of you may want only 720p or 1080p but there are others who want what you don't. It would really help the tracker and community as a whole if you were to do this. It helps no-one if you're uploading the resolution of your choice only.

So to reiterate please upload both resolutions 720p and 1080p.

// So say we all

By posztoló

News - 17.01.22

Qbittorrent 4.4.x and V2/Hybrid .torrents

Members of the Fleet!

It seems there has been much chatter about QBit 4.4.x on both of our trackers, so I felt it time to create a news post discussing our thoughts on it. Staff has been discussing the release almost since it went live, and we realize that other trackers are already allowing it. However, adding it to our whitelist will cause some other issues we need to make everyone aware of.

QBitorrent 4.4.0 introduced a new feature to create .torrents in a new torrent V2 mode, as well as a hybrid mode which is supposed to add additional security to the swarm. This is great and all, but not ever user uses QBitorrent as their client, and not every client supports connecting to a v2 .torrent. This means if you were to upload one here, and another user downloaded it, there is a chance that they could not connect to you to actually transfer any data. It would be a mess for the peers. For this reason we have already blocked uploading v2 .torrents to our trackers.

The next issue is Hybrid .torrents, these were supposed to act the same as v1 with some added security, to allow backwards compatibility with older clients. The problem is not all clients can load these either... Specifically Transmission, and possibly some others. Until all of the torrent clients can support hybrid torrents, we feel it safest to not allow QBit 4.4.0 at this time. We are currently evaluating a way to block hybrid torrents from being uploaded to the tracker, if we can successfully block the upload of hybrid torrents, at least until more clients add support, then we will re-evaluate adding QBit 4.4.0 to our whitelist.

Staff apologizes for any inconveniences, but this is for the good of the tracker as a whole at this time.

More details to come...


By posztoló

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