Üdvözlünk a(z) BitsPiracy adatlapján!

Profil adatok
Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
Szint | 2 |
Típus | Vegyes |
Felhasználók | 1117 |
Torrentek | 1500 |
Regisztráció | Szabad |
Arány | Közepes |
Nyelv | angol |
Az oldal alakult |
További bemutatók
Az oldal jelenleg: | Offline |
Elérési állapot: | 0 (magyarázat) |
Kapcsolat: | |
Kapcsolattartó: | |
IRC: | |
Hasonló oldalak: |
Adatlapot beküldte: |
Anonymus 2019-01-15 |
Legfrissebb hírek
Status update - 21.01.19
We have some problems with the auto-uploader and working to fix that issue ASAP.
The auto-uploader will from now on seed the uploads for 7 days and then stop seed so make sure that you download the releases to contribute to living torrents.
We can also gladly announce that our IRC server is almost ready for launch.
It will hopefully be ready this week.
Best regards
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By posztolóA few notices - 18.01.19
Important news
Dear members!
In order to make the autouploader we all have to be better at download its content, soon the server space will be full and we need to make space for new releases.
An easy way to help is to set up an RSS-feed, you can find info on how to install RSS feed here -> here
If we reach over 15.000 peers before Sunday 20/1 23:59 GMT+1, all members will be rewarded with 7 days of freeleech.
Now you can also donate to BitsPiracy in order to help us out.
All money that is donated will be used to improve the BitsPiracy.
In order to donate -> here
Read more in the forums »
By posztolóUseful info - 13.01.19
Dear members!
We can now gladly announce that our upload-bot now works, there might be some few bugs in the beginning and we are very happy if you can help us and report torrents that are placed in the wrong category. In order to have the bot running you must help us out with the seeding, remember that all new uploads are ratio-free for 24 first hours so please setup RSS feed or if you want to use Jacket there will be a tutorial in the forum soon.
Jacket users, you can find the config file here ->
Thanks in advance
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By posztolóBitsPiracy! - 07.01.19
Üdvözöljük a BitsPiracy!
Bízunk benne, hogy élvezni fogja a velünk való tartózkodást.
Új tagként 7 napos freeleech-et kaptunk, bölcsen használd, és most kezdj el építeni az arányodat.
Van egy nyitott meghívó link, amelyet megoszthat a barátaival és a családjával. https://bitspiracy.org/signup/open
A link 2019-01-13-ig fog működni
By bincyKépek az oldalról:

Megtekintve:1066 alkalommal