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Anonymus 2019-02-14 |
Legfrissebb hírek
News - 19.06.20
Website is undergoing maintenance.
By posztolóNews - 19.06.20
Google Translation:
Good morning to all users, we are disclosing this notice to clarify that the instability that started yesterday, 06/17/2020 in our announcement server, is already being verified, together with our DC.
We also inform everyone that there is no need to change or tamper with the URLs of announces already established, as it remains the same.
As soon as it is corrected, together with the DC everything started to seed and go online without any changes on the part of you users, our only change was in the URL to access the site, this does not influence or change the URL of Announce that as stated above remains unchanged.
Certain of everyone's understanding, the ASC Team thanks you ....
By posztolóNews - 16.06.20
Site has moved to a new domain:
By posztolóMaintenance - 07.06.20
Google Translation:
Sorry, we're undergoing maintenance.
Return Forecast 06/07/2020 15:00
By posztolóHirek! - 14.02.20
Até que nosso sistema para a promoção fique 100% pronto vamos fazer algumas brincadeiras, a primeira delas é um esconde esconde... escondemos uma imagem em um torrent do site, onde somente nosso admin FAZ sabe qual torrent está, procurem a imagem que é essa , quando achar envie uma MP para FAZ. O prêmio será um vale compras no Mercado Livre de R$ 100,00. Valido para TODOS do site incluindo Staff. Boa Sorte!!!
2 dicas um pouco óbvias, não está em conteúdos adultos e não vai aparecer torrent editado no log
Amíg a promóciós rendszerünk 100% -ban készen áll, készítünk néhány játékot, az első egy rejtekhely ... egy képet elrejtünk egy webhely torrentjén, ahol csak az adminisztrátorok tudják, melyik torrent van , keresse meg a képet, azaz amikor megtalálta MP-t a FAZ-hez . A díj egy 100 USD áron vásárolható bevásárló utalvány a Mercado Livre-nél. A webhely MINDEN oldalára érvényes, beleértve a személyzetet is. Sok szerencsét !!!
2 tipp egy kicsit nyilvánvaló, nem vonatkozik felnőtt tartalomra, és nem jelenik meg torrentként szerkesztettként ebben a bejegyzésben a Duvida e Dicas naplóban
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