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Szint 8
Típus XXX
Torrentek 143040
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Az oldal jelenleg: Online
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Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

Staff Wanted - 20.05.21

Hi Everyone,

The site is now requiring some Staff to help with the day to day running of the site. Currently we are looking for First Line Support.

Some of the tasks include.

1. Being in Chat/IRC to help support users with their accounts and site

2. Being active in the Forums to answer general help questions.

3. Actively checking comments for spammers, etc

4. General Help.

5. MUST have been a member for 6 months minimum with good positive ratio and account.

Please note: We are NOT looking for behind the scenes techs or coders, just those wanting to help with very general stuff.

If you think you have what it takes to become Staff as First Line Support please contact Hellson thru site PM or see him in our chat channels.

By CF dealer

Hírek - 21.09.20

Site Uploads

The site has decided to make any new uploads from today that your class must be Uploader or above to add new content to the site. Previously it was Power Users or higher, this has now changed. For those Power Users who regularly did uploads i have already promoted you to Uploader position and nothing will change for you in that respect. If you wish to upload new content on a regular basis please come and see b**** in the chat channels or send him a pm. Noone will be promoted without chatting to him first with what you have to offer whether it be scene or non scene content. You also are not required to have a server or seedbox to be promoted.

As an addition security feature for Uploaders our users will see all new content as uploaded by "anonymous" instead of their username being displayed.

Additionally as being Uploader you become part of the Staff team giving you premium support and access in our chat/irc channels and Forums.

For 15+ years we have been the number 1 porn site and will continue this well into the future.

Thank you for all the support you've given and continue to give.

By bincy

News - 18.04.20

Server is down

By posztoló

Site Uploads and Classes - 03.02.20

We at PussyTorrents take our users and uploads very seriously and have thus decided to allow only Power Users and above to upload new torrents onsite.

Previously, all classes could upload but this is no longer the situation.

If you are of User class and have shown to be following the sites rules account wise we may allow you to upload to the site.

New users with 0 stats will not be allowed to upload whatsoever.

Please see burnmaster if you have any questions or queries.

By CF dealer

News - 14.02.14

Staff Wanted                

PussyTorrents are currently looking for First Line Support Staff to help with the daily ops of this great site. If you have an hour or so a day and have been a member in good standing for 6 months or longer and wish to apply simply join irc or the chat applet onsite and PM burnmaster for further info. FLS Staff can also lead to a Moderator position if you know your stuff.

Enjoy the greatest XXX site on Earth.

By Dark Angel

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