Üdvözlünk a(z) Audiobook adatlapján!

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Torrentek | 82703 |
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Anonymus 2021-02-19 |
Legfrissebb hírek
News - 19.10.21
Hello there!
ABT is looking for people interested in helping out as MODERATORS.
If YOU might be interested, the requirements are few, i.e.
-- Willing and able to spend at least an hour or two every day on site checking on torrents etc.
-- Able to help people with any problems they might have in Support etc.
There will be a training period, we will give you full support and help in mastering all the ins and outs, never fear.
You will start as an EDITOR and then based on your prowess as an awesome worker (or not) we will promote people to full mods. We aren't asking for a 24/7/365 slave, we need people interested in the site and in BOOKS and helping others read them too.
So, if the shoe even sort of maybe fit, PM TheGene and he'll take you further through.
Also, a HUGE thanks to our uploaders, you guys are soooo awesome, there aren't enough words to say how great it is to see so many new books coming in. Thanks again for all your hard work and effort.
On the donations front, mmmm well, seems like .. well, nothing happening? And we mean, nothing? Please folks, we sort of do sort of you know expect every single member here to AT LEAST donate 5 bucks a year? I mean if that is too much for ya, maybe you can't afford internet, or a phone either? It's really not preposterous to ask this of everyone, so, if you haven't yet, please do contribute YOUR share? If we get a consistent inflow we can look at larger faster better servers - it benefits everyone, so pitch in and do your bit now!
Other than that, spray and stay away! Be safe, keep your distance, sanitize and LIVE!
This message was set to the following class(es) USER, POWER USER, ELITE USER, VIP, MODERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR, sysop, WIGGINS, CODER
By posztolóNews - 27.07.21
The first player to reach 100,000 points in Pacman will receive 100,000 Karma. Good luck!!
By posztolóNews - 18.07.21
fix: some user blocks issues, you can enable and disable blocks here
enable: user blocks for all users
By posztolóNews - 21.02.21
Google Translate:
1. Special effects subtitle production staff, have time, patience, can learn from scratch, this site has the highest salary, one OCR
2. Original DiY production staff, subtitle production staff, active online, eager to learn
3. Movie suppression team member, desktop computer above 6C12T (reference: toothpaste 9th generation i7/Yes! 3700X), preferably a little bit of Python, if you don’t know it, it’s easy to learn
4. Those who have a large amount of audiobook inventory resources, or are willing to help this site publish audio resources, preferably with XMLY audiobook VIP members
If you are interested, please private message or PM management group on the site
By posztolóNews - 17.02.21
A few hints and tips ...
Hi guys,
Welcome to all the new members, I have seen a few problems arise for newbies, hope this message will help a bit ...
If you don't, you WILL most probably be in trouble soon. The FAQ explains how the system on ABT works.
2. Stay out of the karma bonus page. As a new member there is NOTHING in there that will benefit you, you need your karma for downloads not a fancy title or more upload GB.
3. SEED your downloads. There's NO other way short of donating that will increase your karma fast.
4. Make your 5 euro per year donation ASAP - you'll get invaluable points and upload gb's that will benefit you greatly. You'll also be able to request books while you are a donor. Donations cannot be traced back to a torrent site. All purchases from the donation site are completely legal transactions.
I see a lot of signups on the donation site but no donations from those people, haha did you know you actually have to BUY something to get donor status, not just register?
Finally, again, stay out of the karma bonus page, don't waste the few points you have.
Keep your eyes peeled, every now and then there will be MASSIVE offers for folks that donate in the chat. Take advantage of them, they don't happen every day!
Enjoy the site and feel free to ask away if you need to know anything or are unsure of anything.
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

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