Nov-02-10 - Prize Draw Concluded, Xman Prize Draw. Cash for Gigs - (s*) Congratulations to j* R* Who win Ł150 each, and sorry but because of...
Sig Design reboot contest now running. - (g*) Its been a few months since the last one, but a new sig design contest is now running. We have lots...
Oct-28-10 - Requests - (D*) We are getting far too many users abusing the requests system. Most commonly, this is by ignoring the specific rule:...
Oct-26-10 - New Console Apps Category. - (s*) A few members were complaining about all the PS3 JB apps that were on the tracker, So i have made a...
Oct-23-10 - Prize Draw Reminder! - (s*) The Prize draw will end 31st October 2010 (so about a weeks time). At the moment, the prize is Ł300...
Oct-14-10 - Thank you - (C*) Thank you all for your messages and screw ALL of you who planned this attack on my PM box :-D I will try to answer...
Blackcats Announcement Announcement: C* 28th Birthday!!! Just to proove that c* can take a joke, i am sending this announcement out. Its his...
Sep-23-10 - Tracker Downtime, FAH Bonuses, Gigs for Ł - (s*) Tracker Downtime: altinertia is planning on updating our tracker backend this...
Sep-16-10 - SP - (a*) For the past 24 hours or so, an issue has existed in the system which has prevented upload being credited to users...
Sep-11-10 - Prize Draw and Gigs for Ł. - (s*) The 7 gig for Ł1 has been removed from the site, it is now 0 Gig for Ł1 (so no bonus). Wait times...
Sep-02-10 - New Packs Category: - (s*) We used to have this but it never got used, but someone in the forums was asking to upload a pack of 1...
Aug-31-10 - 7 gig for Ł1: - (s*) I had planned on taking this off the site tonight, but a few members were not happy in the forum shoutbox when I...
Aug-30-10 - Browse page updates - (a*) You can choose wether you want to show the newest 10 torrents/split torrent tables in your profile page....
Aug-08-10 - Various!! - (s*) Welcome to all our new members, just a few notes, remember to read the Rules/FAQ and the SP FAQ in our forum (yes we...
Jul-18-10 - Uploading - (C*) Hi there, since we have a few new sections to upload in I just want to remember you guys that our...