ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: We are currently looking for volunteers who can help us with site management by becoming volunteer staff. Depending on...
[IMG] Help Support Ukraine & Get Free Ratio On Site As you know, we usually stay away from politics here. However in light of the recent...
Help Support Ukraine & Get Free Ratio On Site As you know, we usually stay away from politics here. However in light of the recent conflict in...
Tracker Neve: TheGeeks Műfaja: e-Learning Regisztrációs Link: Zárás dátuma: Hamarosan Egyéb Információ:...
Aug-14-21 - Small Downtime We had a small power issue with the servers today which resulted in a downtime of a couple of hours until our host...
Captcha Update Hello guys, Just a small update: we have an updated captcha system for logging in as the old one was really showing its age and...
Hello guys, Just a small update: we have an updated captcha system for logging in as the old one was really showing its age and was not offering...
Tracker Neve: TheGeeks Műfaja:e-book Regisztrációs Link: Zárás dátuma:n/a Egyéb Információ: -általában azt...
Website is down
With seeming to have passed away we, the staff of Code: have been inundated with people just scrabbling to get in...
Utorrent v3 banned from 1st March 2018 In the last few days knowledge of a major Utorrent v3.x vulnerability/security flaw discovered by Google...
Donations @ 2017-05-04 22:33:53 GMT Pleased to announce that bitcoin donations are now available on all TCG sites, other options to be announced...
Download Script @ 2017-04-23 23:05:43 GMT If you had problems with we have made some changes and it should be...
Along with everything else, Group Buy activity since January 26 was lost in restoring the recent backup. Staff is calling on all Group Buy...
Welcome to Our New Home -- What Happened and Why UPDATE 2017-04-22 - The staffer in question has now started redirecting the domains he still...
Faithful surfers to the Tbz group of sites will have noticed that we've been down for a couple weeks while some drama sorted itself out... but we...
~T.BZ Presents~ TP's 11th Anniversary Poker Tournament
Recent Downtime: If you tried to get on over the weekend or Monday, you may have noticed that you couldn't do so. Unfortunately, our network...,,,,, and TBZ family of sites and their IRC channels are temporarily down...
Reduced time for Freeleech for ScienceHD Due to the abuses of some in the p2p community, we're being forced to close down existing FREE torrents... Proudly Presents... 1st Quadrennial US Election Competition!!! Want fabulous prizes and awards? Want glory, fame, and...
As some of you might have been aware, there was a certificate issue with our partner site terragon to make donations. Im happy to say that the...
Forum Restructure Is Now In Progress. Threads and forums may be out of place during this time. This is normal. Restructuring should be... Poker Tournament: Pre-Summer Blues So after some EPIC anniversary poker battles, the playground is still roaring! Eliminated players still... 10th Anniversary: 11 Hours to Poker Game, 28 Hours for the Other Contests POKER TOURNAMENT IS IN 11 HOURS (Saturday at 11 AM EDT)! HURRY...
Many Events Are Happening Now! Most current Events End On May 1. After reading this Announcement, be sure to read the two previous...
(Check the announcement below this one for Anniversary contests with all kinds of amazing prizes - nearly all ending on May 1!)... Anniversary: 10 Days Left ~ Forums, Debates, Events & More Just 10 More Days To Celebrate TBZ's 10th Anniversary! Remember - There are...
Donations Donations arent available at the moment we are working to resolve those issues asap. TheBZ Staff.