WH official opening day 1/1/21 WH will announce about official time of Tracker Opening, it will be on 1/1/21 so if u have any Issue to consider...
Donations Needed I hope everyone is having a wonderful beginning to the holiday season Please try to remember Wrestling Desires Torrents in your...
Sitewide Freeleech! All Torrents Are Freeleech Enjoy -------------------- All Torrents Are Freeleech Enjoy, hope to See User's Activity
Sitewide Freeleech! All torrents marked Free! :o ----------------------- Enjoy Out of Law's Rules WH is a Sports group that specializes in...
Freeleech is ON until 24 Sep 2020
Free Leech Over Our Free Leech period has now ended. We hope you enjoyed Wrestlemania!
Wrestlemania Weekend Free Leech! As we posted last week, we are having a Free Leech period during Wrestlemania Weekend. This is now active until...
x2 Upload Credit Offer This months x2 Upload Credit Offer is now active. This means any donations we receive towards our server costs, you will...
We are currently looking for members to join PWT's Uploader Team. If you know how to create and upload torrents and have sufficient bandwidth (as...
XWT's 14 Year Anniversary! Well, the countdown has finished and it is now XWT's 14 Year Anniversary! After 14 years we are still continuing to...
News For those unable to see new torrents, http://prntscr.com/ly8hxe then http://prntscr.com/ly8idm Tick all and save changes...
All Elite Stream wrestlingdesires.com is pleased to announce AEW All Out || 10 PM EST || August 31st 2019 for VIP only. If you are not yet vip...
For those unable to see new torrents, http://prntscr.com/ly8hxe then http://prntscr.com/ly8idm Tick all and save changes http://prntscr.com/ly8iuj...
Freeleech is ON until 13 Jun 2019
Hi everyone, thank you so much for keeping this site the awesome place it is If you can spare a little this month please do, as we are low on...
For those unable to see new torrents, Code: http://prntscr.com/ly8hxe then Code: http://prntscr.com/ly8idm Tick all and save changes Code:...
Hello, it's that time of year again - WrestleMania! Please donate to the site now, and you will receive double the VIP time / extension on your...
Christmas Free Leech! Free Leech is now active on ALL torrents until January 1st 2019. Everyone at XWT would like to wish you a Merry Christmas &...
End of the road - WWT Staff The fight is over, World Wrestling Torrents has closed. After a good 11 years the site and tracker are now offline....
Partnership with WrestlingKliq We are happy to announce our partnership with WrestlingKliq, They are a Sports streaming site that offer HD...
TorrentVault Signups Just thought i would let our users know that our sister site TorrentVault is currently open for signups. They will close...
Special Donation Offer For the next week we are offering double the credits for all donations, Please view donate.php to view our current...
IRC Downtime As soem of you may have noticed, our IRC server is offline. Sadly I don't have any more information at this time. The...
IRC Downtime As soem of you may have noticed, our IRC server is offline. Sadly I don't have any more information at this time. The host is...
Happy Birthday Avtec! Our site owner Avtec turns 21 today! Happy Birthday Avtec!! Head over to the forums if you'd like to wish him well:...
Donation Offer Hey guys just wanted to remind you all that we rely on donations and we are currently only at 17% for this month, It's...
Downtime As you may have noticed WWT and Torrentvault have been offline for over 12 hours now. According to the host, this was a massive DDoS...
Condolences to Those in Boston Tragedy has struck at the finish line of The Boston Marathon here in the US. At the time of this posting...
Wrestlemania Predictions Contest Winners! It's time! It's time! It's VADER TIME!!!!!!!! Ok not quite but it is time to announce the...
Wrestlemania Tonight! As I am sure every one is aware Wrestlemania will be starting here in about 4 hours! I just wanted to this opportunity...