Wrestlemania Prediction Contest We have a Wresltmania Prediction contest up! forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=2231&page=1#post14981
ass Ratio Ban on April 6th We are doing a mass ratio ban on April 6th, Your ratio must be above 0.70 before this time or your account will be...
Reid Flair passes away at the age of 24 We here at WWT want to send our deepest condolences to the Flair family during this tragedy. Very...
10USD Donation Deal For the next three days we are offering a chance for users to get their ratios reset, To do this simply donate...
Paul Bearer Passes Away We here at WWT are shocked and heartbroken over the passing of William Moody, also known as Paul...
Fresh Blood We have opened up our gates for the first time since November 2012, Let's give a warn welcome to all the new Members!
Donation Call We are in need of Donations to cover this months bills, If you are able and would like to support WWT please send...