Re: Freshon.TV 2010-06-19 13:32:19 - Invite scheme changed English We changed the invite system since many new users joined us too easily. See...
Re: Freshon.TV 2010-05-22 13:22:00 New stylesheet - Insane v2 English We are sure many of you were waiting for this moment. The black theme...
Re: Freshon.TV 2009-12-22 Romana Dupa nenumarate cereri din partea voastra, a fost realizat un site unde sunt prezente toate informatiile de...
Re: Freshon.TV 2009-07-23 - Domain English From this moment, this website`s main domain is Please update your bookmarks and...
Show/Hide Sep-22-11 - UFC 135 - New Prediction Game Season [IMG] It's time for UFC 135, and with it a brand new season of the UFC/MMA Prediction...
Re: Music Insanity 2011-09-22 19:49:20 [IMG] For the next three weeks, it's going to be Uploading & Request Filling Insanity! Only...
Re: Pedro's BTMusic 2011-09-21 00:44:01 - IRC prizes for August Dear users! Please excuse the delay of the August prize. We've been busy with...
Re: Kraytracker KRAY CONTEST PART DEUX: TORRENT UPLOADING Since we lost all of the torrents from old Kray, you all have been hard at work...
Re: iTS Idézet: Tonight's Trivia Time Just wanted to let you guys and gals that the trivia will start today September 18th, Sunday at 10 PM (iTS...
Re: iTS Happy 4th birthday iTS! [IMG] Who would have thought it? We're four years old. iTS has officially reached her fourth anniversary! That...
Show/Hide Sep-17-11 - WWE Night of Champions 2011 [IMG] WWE PPV Time! And as usual loubat has a chance up for you guys to win some sweet...
Re: BitMeTv :w00t: Bonus on Donations!! :w00t: Get 15% more Elite Member time and/or 15% more Upload Credit when making a donation through the...
Re: BitMeTv System 2011-09-17 17:04:03 Message For the launch of the fall premiere weekend a Donation Special of 15% more credit for Upload...
Re: BroadcasTheNet H&R Amnesty & Rule Changes - posted 2 hours and 31 minutes ago [Discuss] H&R Amnesty Program and H&R Rule Updates H&R...
Re: PirateTheNet 2011-09-19 - Trodai - [Mark as read] [Remove item] Hello fellow pirates, This is a sad sad day indeed for PtN that I make the...
Re: GFT Searching... Yesterday, 12:42 PM When using the GFT search tool its pre-set to "exact". This means it searches exactly for what you put...
Re: GFT Requests... Yesterday, 12:42 PM If you missed our excellent request section i recommend you head over there to either gain some sweet...
Re: 2011-09-18 - We have a new contest. The winner will receive a secret price! Good Luck :tef344: PRESS HERE
Re: 2011-09-17 - There is now a one week Freeleech period, because the sign ups being closed. Please remember to seed the torrents...
Re: SceneHD hacked If you downloaded ľTorrent between 4:20 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7) you may have gotten...
Re: x264 Thu, Sep 15 2011 06:10 We've had a lot of hack attempts lately. Our best guess at this point is that some sites database may have...
Re: x264 2011-09-14 01:47:19 - New SSL Cert New SSL Certificate It's that time of the year again. Time for a new SSL cert. Old members will...
Re: BlackCats-Games Show/Hide Sep-14-11 - SOFTN Poll The sig competition is now closed, and polling is open, please vote here:...
Re: 9-11: Hym to the Fallen Kép History: 9/11 Ten Years Later The September 11 attacks or 9/11 were a series of four coordinated...
Re: Kraytracker CONTEST CONTEST CONTEST KRAY CONTEST NUMERO UNO: WIKI FILLING We're in desperate need of having our brand new Kray wiki loaded...
Re: Kraytracker Well would ya look at that... The Donations page is back up and functioning. If you've been enjoying the site upgrade and you're...
Re: Kraytracker Anbody looking for a decently working Oinkplus script.... Can check here:...
Re: Kraytracker A reminder about Advance releases... Rules for advance albums have not changed. Any album uploaded before its official release...
Re: Kraytracker A word on genre tags (PLEASE READ) Our intention for the genre tags is already partially laid out, but basically, when you select...