New poll, please vote! New Poll! Where do you spend Easter this year? Home in the family The restaurant To relatives, grandparents, etc To...
Today it is 21 years ago that the whole of Denmark's population went bananas and demonstrated at Rådhuspladsen because Danmarks Radio chose to...
Site maintenance is done (was: in 12 or so hours time) Maintenance follow-up in this thread. It didn't go quite as smoothly as I expected, if...
Hello, just a quick note to inform people that I will be taking the site offline to upgrade a couple of things. I expect it will take around half... will be back soon.
Google Translated: Notification about cleaning up inactive users 1) Cleanup objects, from March 23, 2018 to January 13, 2019, users who have...
Reddit Post - IRC Update Official Update: K* made his offer and SysOp did not reply. I believe SysOp has closed down ADC. Do not be too harsh...
Next Happy Hour Starts Wednesday 20th March 2019 at 8:42 am
Congratulations to our coder/encoder @c*** & his wife It's a BOY! Tips the scales at 9lbs 5oz Momma & baby are Healthy!
Invite giveaway expired The STAYSAFE invitation code is now officially expired. Welcome to all our new members!!
Freeleech enabled.
As we steadily grow, in both size and torrent supply, more hands are needed. That's why we are looking for another pair of TORRENT MODERATORS....
Free Movie of the Week It's time to make your offers for THC's Free Movie of the Week Here's how it works: Sunday-Wednesday: Make your offers...
Donation Games The prize is right now: 7 days VIP (New - The winners are drawn every Sunday at 4:00 pm) Click here to play with
So it looks like I have mixed up dates and the server bill is due in 10 days from today. I need € 237,60 to pay for it and sadly I just don't...
Tracker offline.
Given the desire of many of our users and respect for them, we will post the HOME PAGE ( HERE ) every day at 16 movies translated into EXCLUSIVELY...
Free Movie of the Week It's time to make your offers for SP's Free Movie of the Week Here's how it works: Sunday-Wednesday: Make your offers...
Next Happy Hour Starts Monday 18th March 2019 at 11:05 pm
Global Freeleech mode activated! Open registration activated! 4 DAYS, 9 HOURS & 39 MINUTES REMAINING
At Magico Team we are a company that makes our hobby. If you are interested in joining our Translation Team, please contact us at ****
Results for Lottery 2019-11 464 people entered, with a total sweetening of 1325GB. Winners were: FIRST PLACE 100GB N*** SECOND PLACE 50GB...
Those who visit the forum may be aware that we have implemented a system for image hosting, to be used for screenshots and avatars. As this...
The traker has a bug, the exchanges are impossible. Avoid uploading for the moment because we do not know yet the impact that it will have....
Donation game The prize is right now: 18.34 GigaByte Upload (New - The winners are drawn every Sunday at 4:00 pm) Click here to play with
Tracker Neve: Kufirc Műfaja: XXX Regisztrációs Link: Zárás dátuma: Március 20. Egyéb Információ: Bemutató az...
Szerintem Empornium. :)
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We Are Free Leech to Sunday 17th March 2019 at 11:59 pm (UK time)