Results for Lottery 2019-14 458 people entered, with a total sweetening of 1249GB. Winners were: FIRST PLACE 100GB w*** SECOND PLACE 50GB...
Free Movie of the Week It's time to make your offers for THC's Free Movie of the Week Here's how it works: Sunday-Wednesday: Make your offers...
11th birthday! Long live HD-torrents!
Bonus Points Lottery The prize is right now: 20566 Bonus points (New - Winners are drawn every Sunday at 4:00 pm) Click here to play with
Freeleech ending in 22 hours.
I’m starting this contest to encourage adding screenshots to your uploads. There are two categories for this contest: 1. For every new upload...
Freeleech Enabled Around 5 hours remaining.
Easter Eggs Hidden Object Contest!! Win GB's to your Upload Credit!! Dear Members this time we are going to have something new to play and you...
Rules - UPDATED 5th of April, 2019 - Adjusted user group benefits User Groups Group promotions and demotions updates once a day. Banned:...
Next Happy Hour Starts Sunday 7th April 2019 at 9:00 am
Welcome to Pandora-Place .... Are we urgently looking for active uploaders? If you are sometimes interested, let us know and fill in the...
Invites can now be sent.
All encoding discussion goes here. forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=268
We cordially invite you to post your songs to Our Autopilot Radio, which you would like to find in the playlist.
Next Happy Hour Starts Sunday 7th April 2019 at 7:00 am
Site Maintenance Dear community, We will be taking the site offline today Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 10:00 UTC-time in order to migrate to...
Google Translation: FREELEECH! Time left: 6d around 13h
Google Translation: Global double upload mode enabled 1 day, around 15 hours
Crazyhour...All torrents free and triple upload credit! starts in around 11 hours
Google Translation: Full Throttle From Where We Left Off OUR SITE IS ACTIVE !!
* l*'s UFC 236 Donation drive * [MEDIA] * l*Enterprise Unlimited * * PRESENTS * * UFC 236 Donation Drive * Discuss this post here
A few notes about HR, please be sure to pay attention to!!! The core of PT is that someone has to do something, and if no one does it, it's a...
Google Translation: Hello, We offer television and movies / serials over the Internet for VIPs. You just need a Smart TV. We have the following...
What type of stuff would u like to see uploaded on 3Evils ?? old movies new movies more pc games apps for cell phones
New Category: Web Classification used without a better source (eg BDMV, DVDISO) Existing WEB-DL/WEBRip seeds (currently hanged under the HDTVRip...
There is a new poll on the main page! Please vote!
The site was unavailable for just over two hours earlier on, due to the backend being unreachable. Before being able to investigate, the situation...
IRC Network server changes Dear HDC Users, due to some stability issues with the hoster we decided to migrate the IRC network to new servers....
CrazyHour All torrents free and triple upload credit! starts in 1d 05:05:33
Google Translation: The page is coded So there can be small outages or become blunt.