Hello All Just a quick reminder if anyone needs a request, then please make it here = http://redemption.pw/index.php?page=viewrequests, also if...
We urge the users to come forward and report users who send unsolicited messages. It includes but is not limited to any kind of selling or buying...
Attention!! We announce that there are free places in the elite PS Club! What do we offer Club members? - among others: - no HNR control,...
The moderator team found that a series of seeds conflicted with the rules of this site when managing the seeds of the site. After discussion by...
Kedves Felhasználók! Az oldal 2019. április 31-én végleg megszűnik. Köszönjük, hogy velünk voltatok.
Késő. :D:P
Kedves Felhasználók! Sajnálattal kell közölnünk, hogy idén az áprlis 1-jei poén elmarad. Eredetileg úgy gondoltuk, hogy kicsit trollkodunk a...
Azért szólhattak volna, hogy beregizzek mielőtt bezárnak... :D
Köszi neked is. :)
Persze... főleg, mikor rád írnak, hogy honnan van a meghívó. :P
This is from the IRC: Note: You can now also see a new announcement on the main ADC's page.
Source: Reddit NOTE: It's an April Fools joke so don't get too excited GEO IP registration is now engaged Starting this month, and for a...
Results for Lottery 2019-13 470 people entered, with a total sweetening of 1437GB. Winners were: FIRST PLACE 100GB t**** SECOND PLACE 50GB...
Dear users! We apologize, but access to the requested resource is limited. Looks like they are court ordered shut down.
#12 Pill of the Month: Documentaries: Nature Nature is everything. Everything we love, everything we are inspired by, everything we fear. A lot...
Köszönöm @CF dealer , @david9696 , @macseklany ! :)
All our sites will be merged together and will be called "AvistaZ HD & Private Porn" We have began testing the maga tracker software that we have...
We're bringing back the traditional Creampie April Event! Spring is in the air! The flowers are flowery, the bees are buzzing and we're all...
NB is funded only by donations, if you can, please donate
Hello, Tommorow marks the 10th Anniversary of HDME! Its unbelievable but YES! its been 10yrs since we have been online and going strong! With...
Tracker offline.
Now running ExoticaZ Beta 0.5
Here is an opportunity to let your friends join in on the fun while making huge bonuses for yourself. What bonuses you ask? Well, how about 1000...
Donation Games The prize is right now: 7 days VIP (New - The winners are drawn every Sunday at 4:00 pm) Click here to play with
Tracker showing gateway error.
Dear community, Now that winter is officially behind us, we thought it would be a good time to share some site updates and answer some of the...
My Torrents Don't Work - Wat Do? (AKA: How to Get Your Torrents Working Again) Torrent files each have a web address programmed into them that...
Progress: 80% We are almost there. Get ready for a public test (2/3) of our new original tracker very soon. For those who are waiting and...
We have a little update related to the last news that we posted. We have read all feedback posted so far and we are still actively following the...