VPN Services Consider Leaving Canada to Protect Customer Privacy Last week Canada enacted an amendment to its copyright law which requires...
tvtorrents.com News TvTorrents has shut down Site is dead. Jan 5, 2015 Due to recent events the site will not be coming back. Thanks for all the...
BitMeTV : News Recent ddos recently we suffered a different kind of ddos. To resolve the issue we had to enable some extra levels of security....
ebooks-shares.org : News Monthly Newsletter – January 2015 Seeding Bonus System had been added! The Seeding Bonus went online December 1st....
HDAccess : News Site Lotto - Added by SysOp Lottery Winners Info Last winners: bakal, yjitx, SumthinSuss, HDGuru, Movie Amount won (each): 1400
PirateSnoop Browser Unblocks Torrent Sites As the battle to block user access to the world's largest torrent sites continues, another website has...
Blackcats-Games News Blackcats is having maintenance. We'll be back shortly.
First 3D Camcorder Piracy Case: Student on Trial Billed as the first case of its kind, a man has gone on trial in the UK accused of attempting to...
Waffles : News Upload Contest leaders 2015-01-06 03:46:52 As of 3:43 AM server time 2015-01-06 (Sorry about the sloppy table) 1. shroomasta 43 2....
Fluxzone : News Community FluxZone.org looking serious uploaders who wishes to apply an application here , all applications will be examined and...
HDAccess : News I have noticed more than a few people not playing nice with the apis. It is not nice to hit an rss feed once per second or once...
Sciencehd.me : News Sticky Sunday! Freeleech Picks of the Week Sticky Sunday! The Deep (2010) The Orpheus' team of scientists are on a mission...
Sziasztok! Én személy szerint támogatom az ötletet mert így legalább ösztönözzük a tagokat,hogy kicsit tegyenek is az oldalért! Mert könnyű ide...
Dotcom’s Wife Not Entitled to 50% of Seized Assets, U.S. Argues A claim by Kim Dotcom's estranged wife Mona against 50% of assets seized following...
HDAccess: News Many of my sources were hit with ddos attacks this weekend and it really screwed up the bot and the feeds. The bot is way behind...
New Pirate Browser " Pirate Snoop " Introduced By RARBG Based on Chrome Original Link https://piratesnoop.com/ Its helps People to use Blocked...
Bit-HDTV : News We are under another DDOS attack. You may experience freezing connection.
Google Asked to Remove 345 Million “Pirate” Links in 2014 Copyright holders asked Google to remove more than 345,000,000 allegedly infringing...
DigitalHive : News We are currently under a botnet attack! We apologize for any down time or inconvenience. We're working on it! You may be...
Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 01/05/15 The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Gone Girl' tops the chart this...
The Pirate Bay went down, but early reports indicate no impact on PC game piracy On December 9, the Pirate Bay, long a central link repository for...
XtremePorn | xtremeporn.eu NEWS We are a Romanian XXX tracker and we have opened our doors for user on 03.01.2014 at 23.45 UK time(first user at...
In Europe, Pirates Are Writing The Copyright Law Strangely unreported by mainstream media, there is a major revision of the copyright monopoly...
HDBits : News Samples - 04/01/15 Currently we're reconsidering our policy on including samples in scene encodes! A big part of this consideration...
SceneAccess: News The problem has been corrected and the site statistics have been reset to reflect what they were on the 30th Dec. 2014, before...
Dozens of Pirate Bays Isn’t Necessarily a Pirate’s Dream The Pirate Bay had only been down for a matter of hours following a police raid when...
Top 10 Most Popular Torrent Sites of 2015 Making a list of the world’s most-visited torrent sites has been a long-standing tradition at TF, which...
TheGeeks : News TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech #218 More Chances To Win Prizes! TheGeeks New Year Events: Vote for Best Torrents of 2014...
TheShow : News Ratio Free Spotlight January 2-9 New RFS for January 2 - 9 The Magic Tricks of JJ Abrams - A Culture Show Special (2013) A...