Kraytracker : News Kray Staff Picks for 2014 Happy 2015! Some of the Kray staff have chosen one of their favorite albums from 2014 to share with...
PlanetQ: News Esta es la peor noticia que podriamos dar PlanetQ ha muerto Los hechos: Cuando la pagina comenzó su andadura allá por 2006 los...
HDAccess: News Some of you may not be aware of this, so here it is again. We have support for irssi-autodl via the irc announce channel. We have...
Torrentleech News: Happy new Year + VIP promo extended! Happy new year to all of you! We wish you a great 2015, with tons of health and bandwidth...
Netflix cracks down on vpn and proxy “pirates” Netflix is starting to block subscribers who access its service using VPN services and other tools...
TorrentVault : News Due to the recent site issues, we have enabled freeleech for a few days.. We are sorry about the instability of the site the...
Hon3yHD | News Registration is open Now. Those members who have registered on the site but can't access their accounts properly...check yours...
AsiaTorrents : News 2015 AsiaTorrents Banner Contest Deadline: 31 JANUARY 2015 (11:59 PM GMT). Objective: Create an Asian-themed banner for the...
NordicHD : News We have enabled Upload Access to everyone! Please read our Rules before you upload anything. Important Notice!!! Torrents...
Wiziwig and EliteTorrent ‘Shut Down’ Facing New Anti-Piracy Law Sports streaming site Wiziwig and torrent site Elitetorrent stopped linking to...
Puntotorrent : News FELIZ AÑO 2015 FELIZ 2015 DORADO Para celebrar le entrada en el año nuevo el STAFF de P.T. Quiere obsequiaros con unos días...
HD-Torrents : News FREELEECH IS OFF Merry Christmas and All the best in 2015 from HDT staff!
TV-Vault : News The Lottery Play The Lottery Even though we have a site-wide freeleech underway, we will still run The Lottery... Winners of...
Secret-cinema : News EXTENDED: "Masters of Czech Animation"-PotM extended until end of January. See here.
Torrentshack : News Welcome to 2015 From all the staff at Torrentshack we hope that 2015 is a wonderful year for all. We all hope you like the...
HD-Only News: End of FreeLeech, happy new year 2015! The year 2014 has just ended, and all good things come to an end: it is also that of...
Pedro News 2015-01-01 16:05:42 - Technical difficulties - not fixed yet The tech difficulties have not been fixed yet. Our ISP is run by morons...
Pirate bay starts counting down to…. February 1 The Pirate Bay has started the new year with an interesting update to the site. The counter that...
Why one Pirate Bay founder doesn’t care if the site dies The Pirate Bay, considered by many media brands as among the most notorious of piracy...
Mortally Wounded Pirate Bay Enters 2015 in Uncertainty A huge police raid in 2006 failed to permanently take down The Pirate Bay yet what appeared...
Torrentbytes News: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 FOLKS! We wish you all the best for the new year and take it easy with celebrating / curing yourself!...
RUTracker : News Dear friends, Come to an end in 2014. For most of us it was not easy, and it was good and bad. But life - not monochrome stripe....
Rental Car Stereos Infringe Copyright, Music Rights Group Says Renting a car is something that millions do every year but if an industry group...
FLUXZone : News My dear , for all the beautiful moments that were and who is to come , the threshold of the new year and thank you I renew my soul...
BitSoup News: Power User Uploading! We have some upload slots that have become available. If you think you have what it takes to join our team...
GazelleGames News: Tracker and IRC Downtime! There's been some issues with one of the servers and we are awaiting the host to answer our support... : News Gândiţi-vă la trecerea dintre ani ca la o poartă. Puteţi să treceţi prin această poartă în noul an şi să luaţi cu voi numai...
BitSoup : News THANK YOU! For the first time in recent remember-able site history, we have made 100% operating cost in a single month without all...
Gormogon : News Title: Theme of the month JANUARY 2015 - WESTERNS - for every uploaded WESTERN in JANUARY 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3... Gott Vill bara tacka för året 2014, en hel del motgångar av diverse myndigheter men som citatet själv säger, "det som inte dödar dig...