Private Torrent Site Operators Face Criminal Trial In 2011, police in two countries coordinated to take down a private torrent site that had...
Movie Studio Targeted Reddit LionsGate was seen attempting to wipe an entire Reddit sub from Google’s indexes. The movie studio claimed that the...
Microsoft Sued Infringers For Activating Illegal Software The company has filed a lawsuit at a federal court accusing unknown AT&T subscriber(s)...
Sony Pictures Was Hacked from Thailand FBI confirmed that Sony Pictures employees still receive threats via email after the movie studio’s...
Waffles: News Waffles Staff Picks - December Edition->2014-12-20 15:41:10 Waffles Staff Picks - December Edition Welcome to the December edition...
HDAaccess News: Hit and Runs We have decided to remove all hit and runs from all users that are older than 30 days. If you still have hit and... News Server will be maintained 12.20 16:00 pm, is expected to maintain the time of three hours. : News Sorry but Twilight updates explained As you were emailed earlier today we are invite only now.All of the invites were...
HDSource : News IRC Aktion on Christmas! We want to send you a christmas gift such as every year. on xmas we... News team wishes you a Merry approaching Christmas and a Happy New 2015 ! :inp: Davin You freeleech until the end of the...
Twitter Suspends Account of Torrent Release Group ETRG Prominent movie torrent release group ETRG had its Twitter account suspended today for an... : News Twilight torrents is invite only.If your receiving this message then you still here. I would like to remind you to be...
[IMG] 2014.12.18 - Napi villám kvíz Melyik filmből van a kép [IMG] helyes válaszokat h*-nak lehet elküldeni. Minden helyes válaszadó 500Mb-t...
Küldő System at 2014-12-18 09:46:32 (29 perccel ezelőtt) Új üzenet! Várjuk jelentkezését:- Moderátoroknak!- Segítőknek!-Feltöltőknek!
A nyeremény 500 mb ! Ki a szám előadója ? Megbántottak, Most már nem bánom, Nem számít és nem is sajnálom. Bíztam benned, tudom tévedtem. Látom...
A Blackcore legszebb karácsonyfája - 2014-12-18 09:09:55 [IMG] Sziasztok! Ahogyan megszokhattátok az elmúlt évek alatt, idén is keressük a...
FunFile : News Happy Holidays All of us at FunFile want to wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season. As part of this festive time the...
Malucos-share : News Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hello everyone. We the crazy team wish you all a great Christmas and NEW YEAR full of...
U.S. Said to Find North Korea Ordered Cyberattack on Sony WASHINGTON — American officials have concluded that North Korea was “centrally involved”...
TTG News Points Mall notice After a period of development and beta, TTG Points Mall and members finally meet you! Opening hours:...
HD-SportBits : News Hello everyone, First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone and your family! And we would like to thank you for your support,...
The Pirate Bay’s Facebook Page Is Shut Down Too Following in the footsteps of the main site, Pirate Bay's Facebook page with nearly half a million...
BitHQ : News BitHQ is accepting new members! Accounts will be created by Staff. PM you're friends username and E-mail, that he/she wants to use...
Pirate Bay Shutdown Doesn’t Stop People From Sharing The Pirate Bay raid is still sending shock-waves through the BitTorrent 'community' but...
HDSky News Turned the whole station free, please rest assured download, no problem downloading free downloads of seed computing. Before we reflect...
Swedish ISP Refuses to Block The Pirate Bay In its response to a lawsuit filed by rightsholders last month a Swedish ISP has refused to block The...
Icefilms Downtime Causes Concern, But Site Will Return The Icefilms streaming movie and TV show portal has a strong following but for the past 24...
Revolutiontt : News Christmas Invites! Christmas Invites HO HO HO !! *These are separate from your normal invites (but the same rules above...
MySpleen : News I turned on open registration for the holidays, we haven't had open registration in a while. Probably on the 26th (the day after...