Ilove Classics : News 'ILC Christmas 2014' Just a current behind the scenes peek: Once Santa gets the real elves...
MoreThan.TV | Invite Only From now on this site it's invite only,will be open again when new features will be added and for Christams 3 days.5...
Pirate Bay Suspect Released After Raid Arrest One of the alleged Pirate Bay crew members arrested a week ago has been released from custody. The... News: Important notice! Hello our dear friends, We want to let you know the links like are not available anymore.The...
BrokenStones : News New Torrents - Temporary Currently some code was reverted when adding the snowstorm effect, and it means that any new...
BitHQ News: New at BitHQ: BD Remuxes and MKV's (View Forum Topic :: New Catergory BD/MKV) Here are the list of RULES we are going to have in...
Hackers leak Swedish government logins in response to Pirate Bay raid A group of hackers leaked the log-in details of 38 government emails (who...
Swedish Supreme Court Determines Movie Piracy Fines A long-running case in Sweden has concluded with a determination on how pirates should be...
If The Pirate Bay Comes Back, It’ll Be With A ‘Bang’ If The Pirate Bay Comes Back, It’ll Be With A ‘Bang’ pirate-bay-640x343.jpg You might have...
Shawn Vulliez: Don’t let The Pirate Bay die Shawn Vulliez: Don’t let The Pirate Bay die IN TRAVIS MCCREA’S commentary “Let the Pirate Bay Die”,...
2014.12.16. 00:04 - Szülinap! [IMG]
2014.12.16 - Napi villám kvíz Melyik együttes dala olvasható ? Aki most lent van. A föld alatt. Aki most lent van. Lent is marad. Aki most fent...
Τ News Abend Comm, TLC ist Online in Deutsch und Englisch Es wird noch als XviD und x264 kommen. Have Fun and...
Galaxy-Tracker : News Διαγωνισμός Eoρταστικού Βanner! Δημιουργήστε το εορταστικό banner για τον Galaxy Tracker. Το καλύτερο banner θα μπει στον...
Pirate Bay Shutdown Has Had Virtually No Effect on Digital Piracy Levels The Pirate Bay was deep-sixed this week in its home port of Stockholm,...
Persze,hogy politika! Sajnos csak is erre megy ki a játék! A többi nem számít csak a pénz stb. Az emberi életeket pedig leszarják!
szepaj Afganisztán? Az biztos nem lehetett valami jó! Én biztos a konyhán maradtam volna!
Szia! Hála istennek nem! Őt sajnos idegileg tették tönkre!
Sziasztok! Én nem voltam inkább a polgári szolgálatot választottam! Miért? Mert Nagyapám is katona volt és sajnos belerokkant! Üdv:Anime
Pirate Bay Responds to The Raid, Copies and The Future The Pirate Bay crew has broken its silence for the first time since the site was knocked...
Demonoid Changed Its Domain Name Again One of the oldest torrent trackers, Demonoid, has been fighting for its place in the sun over many years....
Fake pirate bay lies to press and fakes user uploads Following last week's raid on The Pirate Bay many sites appeared claiming to have brought the...
TTG News Wish TTG management team veterans and newcomers WiKi happy marriage! Total station Free 1 days.
Anonymous hacks Swedish govt emails over seizure of Pirate Bay servers Swedish government email accounts have been hacked by the Anonymous...
2012-12-17 (szerda)20:00 óra Olasz mix (olasz témák). (24+1) Kvízmester:L*
Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 12/15/14 The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'The Equalizer' tops the chart...
Közleménycsere ismét van az oldalon,újításként 500-főtöl cserélünk közleményt!Rádiós oldalakra a létszám nem érvényes!
“How To Learn Absolutely Nothing In Fifteen Years,” By The Copyright Industry The Pirate Bay was shut down this week. Whether or not it...
Viettorent : News Nhân Dịp lễ giáng sinh và chào mừng năm mới 2015 Nhân Dịp lễ giáng sinh và chào mừng năm mới 2015. Kể từ ngày 13-12-2014 đến...
Morgan Freeman: Movie Pirates Have Tiny, Useless Penises Over the years anti-piracy PSAs haven't enjoyed a great reception, with many ending up as...