Sony Planned to Flood Torrent Sites With “Promo” Torrents Sony Pictures' TV network AXN developed a guerrilla marketing campaign to convert users... : News Lots of users still do not have a bonus ball number so are missing out on 1000 free points per week,go to...
Pirate Bay co-founder hopes the site stays closed forever The Pirate Bay's offices were raided by the Swedish police a couple of days ago and the...
Új kvízjátékot szeretnénk bevezetni. Egy színész képét láthatjátok és ki kell találni a nevét. De hogy ne legyen annyira könnyű, egy kissé...
A nyeremény 500 mb ! Ki a szám előadója ? Szeretnék visszamenni hozzád, kedvesem Megbántam mindent igazán, hidd el nekem Rájöttem, hogy nálad... : News TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech #215 Discussion Of the Week: Are you prepared for Christmas Day Dinner yet? Discussion on this...
TTG News 西数带您乐享移动存储生活(北京站)体验会报名活动开启 入场见面礼品、现场免费打印与模特的微信照片、抽移动硬盘和My Cloud等精彩互动环节定会让你不虚此行! 具体请参阅:...
Pirate Bay Holdout Still Holds 40 “Illegal Sites”, Lawyer Says The anti-piracy outfit behind the raid of The Pirate Bay says that dozens of... News After the last checks of the accounts and the findings in different places it turned out that a number of multi-accounts is...
KickassTorrents Moves to Domain Name "We here at KickassTorrents are officially announcing another domain name change. We were having...
AlphaRatio News: First Annual Christmas Contests: "Christmas time is here Happiness and cheer Fun for all that children call Their favorite time...
HD-Only News: Establishment of seedtime! Hello, good evening to you all, We have to incorporate the seedtime to the tracker to address the...
2014-12-14 (vasárnap) 19:00 óra Vegyes kérdések (24+1) Kvízmester: c*
Felhívás! - g* - Tegnap, 19:49 Kedves Felhasználóink! Az oldalra aktív, megbízható moderátorokat keresünk! Tapasztalat nem feltétel! Ha...
Az oldalon FREELEECH van, így minden torrent a letöltési mennyiség elszámolása nélkül tölthető le. Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy nem kell seedelned! A...
2014-12-12 Új lehetőség nyílik azoknak akik szeretnek játszani és az érte járó jutalom sem jön rosszul!! Mind a két játék helyes megfejtése esetén...
Pirate Bay ‘Copycats’ Flourish After Raid More than three days have passed since The Pirate Bay went down after a raid on a Swedish datacenter....
BitTorrent to Launch Its First Original TV Series The technology company has already persuaded many musicians to distribute their works via its... News Our announce tracker is SSL secure now, all new torrents downloaded or uploaded will now use the new address, to update your...
Furious google ended mpaa anti-piracy cooperation After delivering a major blow to torrent sites during October, Google must've thought the MPAA...
Rds-Zone : News Site under construction !!! Unfortunately keep you probably know that this site will be back online after the holidays, the...
Tv-Vault : News New way to WIN in 2015 !!! Play The Lottery The game will be simple and explained in the... : News TP.BZ 2014 X-Mas Banner Competition Please Welcome Back... ---> Click Here <--- To Check Out The Competition TP staff would...
Sony fights spread of stolen data by using “bad seed” attack on torrents Investigation into hack continues while Sony tries to minimize the... News Hello dear users. Not that the site has begun to grow, things have started moving forward at a faster rate and we thought it...
TorrentDay News Our announce tracker is SSL secure now, all new torrents downloaded or uploaded will now use the new address, to update your old...
Can The Pirate Bay Make a Comeback? Yesterday The Pirate Bay was raided for the second time in its history and millions of people are still...
BitTorrent Inc Works on P2P Powered Browser BitTorrent Inc, the company behind the popular file-sharing client uTorrent, is working on a P2P...
PassThePopcorn: News Merry Christmas and Happy New(Old) Site! The first ever re-seed contest for the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015! This...
Pedro's BTMusic Christmas Amnesty Overwhelmed with Christmas cheer and positivity we are hereby announcing our annual amnesty. Send an amnesty...