高清城市祝广大市民春节快乐!全市免费至 2 月 14 日。 City-wide free leech engaged till Feb 14. https://hdcity.top/
Showbox is a hugely popular all-in-one application for viewing the latest movies and TV shows on Android platforms and, with a tweak or two, on...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Ride Along 2' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘The Big Short' 'The Good...
Buenas noches. Nos complace informaros de que estrenamos nuevo tipo de publicación para las subidas. ¿Por qué? Tras los problemas que hubo a la...
The copyright industry keeps repeating the mantra that the copyright monopoly is somehow "necessary". Creative Commons proves conclusively that it...
The MPAA, RIAA and various other anti-piracy groups have been trying to stop piracy for decades, without much result. A newly published paper on...
开放邀请公告活动 在8日零点,开放邀请权限,限时半小时,在8日的0点半关闭。 下一波开放邀请敬请关注相关PM信息。 Open Invitation Announcement Events In at 0:00 on the 8th, the open invitation...
New Improved SSL Supported GFXPeers.Net (All users need re-register again): Dear friends, Welcome to new Improved SSL Supported GFXPeers.Net,...
今年不发2016央视春晚相关视频 接上级通知,本站决定禁止发布2016央视春晚任何相关视频 所有会员请务必遵守,谢谢配合。 ttg管理组祝大家新春愉快 Quote: 2016 cctv spring festival this year, do not send the video...
Last month entertainment industry bodies finally succeeded in having leading Russian torrent site RuTracker permanently blocked by local ISPs. But...
Thank you for all the member that sticking with and support us in the past years. We will continue to provide the fast, reliable and satisfy...
At 0:00 on February 7 at 0:00 on February 8 ---- open invitation day.
While many anti-companies are consumed with simply taking down content or even suing end users, others are also exploring ways to be a little more...
Full station Free 8 days, 2016.02.06 23:59: 59 ~ 2016.02.14 23:59:59 During New Year's Day the whole station 2xFree.
Efter att flera anmälningar kommit in från Rättighetsalliansen mot oss och vår nya serverhost så har vi valt att ta det säkra före osäkra och...
Dear all members , Five smell was over despite ups and downs, but that's what the old year. Now we're going to turn a new step, a calm year...
喜迎猴年,现发布公告2则: 1、本站将在2016年2月8日零时至2016年2月10日零时截止,开启free leech!!祝会员新年愉快,阖家欢乐!! 2、为感谢大家的支持,从2月8日到2月12日每天不定时有活动,请大家密切留意! ====HDChina管理组==== The...
The China-based cracking group that recently bemoaned Denuvo's anti-piracy system as all but unbreakable has delivered a second surprise...
Buenas tardes. Desde hace ya bastante tiempo se da el caso de que muchos de los usuarios no responden a las notificaciones, mensajes privados,...
Time flies! It's been one year since celebrating the incredible achievement of the 2 million torrents milestone. On this occasion, the ten users...
Thanks to the brand new Torrents-Time browser plug-in The Pirate Bay has just transformed itself into the world's largest streaming video portal....
The Dutch movie industry is holding the local government responsible for the country's high piracy rates, claiming it tolerated and even...
A Majomparadé nem éppen botrányoktól és leállásoktól mentes életű torrentoldal, de a mostani hirtelen kiesés azért adhat okot az aggodalomra. Az...
Unexpected downtimes and expected downtimes: ur servers which are under constant attack from bots and hackers see alot of wear and tear and over...
Free Leech Over!! Just a quick reminder that our Free Leech period has now ended. Remember that ALL packs that we have on the site continue to be...
2016.02.05 - 公告 Quote: 1. The site is open for register on February 6, 2016 18:00:00 until February 10, 2016 18:00:00. Duplicate register is...
After cutting off file-hosting sites and Usenet providers, PayPal is now taking aim at VPN and SmartDNS services. The payment processor states...
The MPAA is now the owner of Popcorntime.io, the domain name which was the home of the most used Popcorn Time fork up until last November. The...
SSL Broken fixed Now you can access UHDbits safely. Special thanks to muzz and SalmonCat. Regard.