Telstra has offered a customer who admitted to downloading about 400GB of pirated content during the telco's 'free data day', to test its upcoming...
The UK government has just published advice for people receiving cash demands from so-called copyright trolls. The Intellectual Property Office...
The Governments Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has today published a very basic piece of new guidance that is designed to help consumers who...
WebTorrent is best described as a BitTorrent client for the web. It allows people to share files directly from their browser, without having to...
Due to the mayor server problem we had over the last couple of days, we have decided to remove all ISAF torrents so you shouldn't recieve any HnR...
Linking to pirated content that is already available to the public can not be seen as copyright infringement under the European Copyright...
压制很讲究配置,最低要求: 台式机i5,笔记本i7,上传100 Kb/s 请想加入的人员按以上格式联系 ************************************************** ******* REQUiREMENTS: Desktop i3 or...
As reported by various media domains were blocked ISPs DNS in the ( Internet providers) Portuguese. This information aims to help all users to...
Because we need some icons us, we decided to also offer some prizes to those who have talent and are willing to help. Click to see the contest ....
Steam users who want to share a link to The Pirate Bay from the built-in chat client will be disappointed, as mentions of the popular torrent site...
350 ezer forintos pénzbírságra ítélte a Szegedi Törvényszék katonai tanácsa azt a honvéd törzsőrmestert és civil társát, akik több tucat...
Technical difficulties The upload unit is experiencing technical difficulties. Please leave your clients seeding. Sorry for inconvenience. // Staff
Millions of consumers of digital content are regularly informed that since they live in a certain region the content they're trying to access is...
ACTIVE APRIL 11, 2016 As of April 11, 2016 the only domains/URLs that will work is our and domains. All other domains...
The Telstra free data guy is a hero to many and a villain to some plagued by slow internet connections after he capitalised on the teclo's...
Described as one of the largest leaks in history, the Panama Papers reveal where some of the wealthiest people in the world hide their fortunes....
Prime Minister of Iceland Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson is facing calls for early general elections after it was revealed he is among many...
Leaking our internal uploads, auto-downloading everything - 2016-04-04 This is a reminder news because too many people ignore our rules or abuse...
Hollywood's major movie studios are protesting a request from Megaupload's legal team to put their civil lawsuit on hold for another six months.... is taking a strong stance against copyright takedown abuse. The company is recommending that the U.S. Copyright Office should...
Internet pirates in Australia may now have at least another year, possibly longer, not to worry about a "three strikes" style system landing on...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Deadpool'...
Fellow members, BakaBT has received a large scale DMCA takedown notice, amounting to almost 95% of our entire content. For the past week we have...
Contra Piracy Targets Filesharers With Automated $250 Fines Every day tens of thousands of subscribers receive piracy notifications from their...
Update: Main server is paid for a year! Beta needs renewal next week and we want to get this done for a year as well. What is needed: EUR 120...
This is NOT a request for donations. We have never asked for donations and we never will. However, up until today our only method of accepting...
HD4Free is now RATIO FREE! You must seed the minimum of 72 hours or longer.
Since many accounts were rolled back the old problem reappear. I found many users with microsoft emails. Again all microsoft emails...
Copyright Troll Partner Threatens to Report Blogger to the Police A company assisting US-based copyright troll outfit TCYK LLC has just...
A recent study commissioned by Hollywood shows that with 120 legal online services, movies and TV-shows are more accessible than ever before....