OK back up again after the latest disk errors, and so far we know that torrent downloading is failing. this is true of all torrents. Post any...
Attention everyone has the ability to upload now , 1.After you make an upload you must re-download the HD4Free torrent file, and seed that from...
Last week the 2016 Oscar nominees were announced, an event that inspired many people to check out the contenders. This increased interest is...
GB lottery on IRC : Come into our IRC channel and you may be the lucky ones. You must download our IRC custom client including, if you are not...
All New Members Please Be Sure To Read Our Rules and FAQ BeyondHD has made some changes to its FAQ regarding VPNs and Proxy's you may not use...
Again, note that comments do not appear seed: seeking subtitles, seeking XX, no no, the uploading very slow, this film does not look good, no need...
Contest ends Dear User, Yesterday ended the contest nCore third round, under which the eBook / E category were able to take targeted Uploader...
English Beloved TvTorrents users, As you know due to technical issues the site was missing for several weeks. Now we are back and we need your...
We've been having some network issues for the last couple of days due to some malicious attacks. BS servers are now more equipped to deal with...
The man appointed last week as Vladimir Putin's key adviser on Internet related affairs recommended that copyright holders should stop being so...
We are back! It took us almost 3 weeks to find a suitable intermediary server but our "fracas" with our former ISP in December forced our hand to...
VPN providers have unanimously condemned Netflix's crackdown on subscribers who use so-called unblocking services. Several VPN companies have...
FREELEECH EXTENDED UNTIL FRIDAY Don't stop leeching yet. We decided to extend the freeleech until next Friday Have (more) fun!
With up to $150,000 in damages available to plaintiffs in copyright infringement cases involving just a single movie, being a defendant can be a...
Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week – 01/18/16 The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'The Big Short.' tops the chart...
The MPAA has repeatedly urged Google to get tougher on copyright infringement, but recently it learned that anti-piracy efforts also have a...
As always we want you to receive your favorite films and series at a speed as high, we established a partnership with a Seedbox Company All users...
Lotto : BeyondHD monthly Lotto draw! Available to classes User +. Lotto can be found in profile/links/lotto. So stock up on BP for the end of...
Most people download torrents with desktop clients such as uTorrent but with a simple user interface and tiny learning curve, Seedr takes...
HDChina has been return for over 3 months. In the past few months, we could see that many members return to the tracker and continue to share the...
Hello As you may or may not have heard, Acid-Lounge is turning 10 next week, the official date is 18th Jan so since 2006 we have stuck together...
Fairwarning We have noticed that some users are already abusing the bonus points system. Anyone found to be seeding torrents with their clients...
This week Netflix announced that it would ramp up its crackdown on VPN and proxy pirates. The decision is a response to increased demands from...
KickassTorrents has been hard to reach over the past hours due to a DDoS attack. The site's operators are working on the problem and hope to have...
The man just appointed as Vladimir Putin's key adviser on Internet related affairs has suggested that copyright holders should consider the state...
There has been another increase in the number of copyright troll cases filed in the United States. In 2015 so-called John Doe litigation made up...
we will have unlimited time of open registration Please note that we will not allow any double accounts and action will be taken!
Hola a todos !!! Queremos recordar que tenemos a disposición un post el cuál se pueden poner las próximas subidas ha realizar, para reservar...
Hello friends! We have decided to close our registrations to the site right now until further notice. We will also start to disable inactive...