The ever-repeated parrot statement from the copyright industry is that "authors must be paid". This ignores the existence of Wikipedia and about...
Anti-piracy outfits such as the U.S. based Copyright Alliance claim to champion the rights of creators, which includes giving credit to those...
Piracy is rampant in many countries around the world, but an example that reached us from Iran recently is one of the most blatant displays we've...
To improve our site and your experiences at TVN, we want to announce that without penalty all members are allowed to download just the SAMPLE (if...
Hollywood tends to leave no opportunity unused in its quest to show that online piracy is devastating the movie industry. However, this supposed...
Ciao, dopo aver preso la decisione di chiudere BTFASTER, alcuni utenti hanno chiesto se era possibile continuare a scaricare in maniera privata...
If you live in the UK or any other country and are unable to load IPTorrents due to ISP censorship then you must start using these FREE & Safe VPN...
message from the SysOp: Due to family issues i want to inform you that I am no longer able to be Administrator of this forum. Forum will run for a...
Dear, Today marks nine years since your beloved site helps you discover films, series, music, games of the highest quality. We want to thank you...
Hi there im in need for a logo for a friend of mine for his new project the logo has to say "Soul Vaper" and be in a smoke-theme, meaning text and...
site is back and tracker is up and Last month ( December 2015 ) Server Cost Payed , Thank you everyone , Who helped on last month donation for...
各位会员: 经过代码改进,从即日起,VIP等级用户(包括限时VIP和永久VIP用户)将不再计算下载量,上传量正常 计算,限时VIP用户到期后分享率不足1的系统将自动恢复分享率到1并免除警告。感谢各位会员支持!特此通 知! HDSky管理团队...
BREIN Takes 343 ‘Pirate’ Sites Offline, Warns Uploaders BREIN has produced a detailed overview of its achievements in 2015. In addition to...
Hazánk egyik (ha nem a legnagyobb) felnőtt tartalommal foglalkozó oldala bezár. A Malacka január 20-án megszűnik működni. Oldal bezárás!...
New User Classes Change to User Class User Download slots have been changed from 5 to 2, Ratio in place to be promoted of 0.01 New User Class...
Hollywood studios have sent thousands of warnings to Internet subscribers whose connections were used to share leaked DVD screeners. The warnings...
Since the arrival of Netflix and other streaming services in Australian in 2015, the use of the BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol, which is...
Movie View Mode: We decide to play a bit with movie view mode on browse page, we changed a few things here a few things there and the result is...
Egészen friss hír, hogy Ceglédi Járási Ügyészség szerzői vagy szerzői joghoz kapcsolódó jogok különösen nagy vagyoni hátrányt okozó megsértésének...
Fin de FnT Bonjour à tous. Oui vous avez bien lu le titre, FnT va cesser d'exister. Je vais essayer de faire court, pour ne pas vous infliger...
Referrals Review: It's already coming up towards the 2nd week in January which means it's due for another referral review. I have now allocated...
Site Maintenance: We’ll be back soon! Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment., otherwise we’ll be back...
HATEFUL EIGHT PRODUCER: GOOGLE USES FAIR USE AS PIRACY DISTRACTION After his new movie was downloaded more than a million times after being...
Objective: Create an 1 year anniversary-themed banner for HDArea Requirements: Must contain anniversary-themed element. Banner must be in .PNG...
Nous migrons sur de nouveaux serveurs. fin au plus tard le 11 matin heure de quebec ! Translate google We migrate to new servers. No later than...
The Pirate Bay has put a new domain name into circulation. Starting this week TPB has officially switched on the Montserrat-based domain name...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load IPTorrents then start browsing IPT from this URL:
site issues in consequence of our recent downtime: The invite page is now fixed. You can see pending invites, and cancel wayard invites. Also,...
Hi everyone, hope you had a great new years, and welcome to 2016! Just want to let everyone know FREELEECH will be ending on January 15th! So...
Dear Users! We would like to thank those users who have so far according to the rules divided back downloaded their material. Since the...