Hello, we would like to inform you about a few things. The first is to attract a partner and establishing cooperation with the new on market...
Three Large File-Hosting Sites Announce Shutdown Three large file-hosting services have announced that they will shut down at the end of the...
Dear Friends, Starting two days ago, we had a large DDoS hit our tracker. The site and other services stayed up, But we don't expect this attack...
Hello All, Due to our continued member increases we have decided to restructure our servers for better reliabilty, speed and of course security...
Napster co-founder Sean Parker is said to be working on a brand new way to get the latest blockbusters into homes on the day they're released. The...
The IP Awareness Foundation, the Australian film and television industries peak body for the promotion of copyright, creative rights, piracy...
The Pirate Bay has been offline for 24 hours, causing concern among many BitTorrent users. The TPB-team is aware of the problems and says the...
Libble has started a new series of Community Mixtapes focusing on some of the most requested genres by you according to our poll. This month's...
Utorrent 3 + is not allowed on site, it gives false information, please revert back to a stable 2.1 and uncheck updates otherwise your downloads...
Google is asked to remove a record breaking 100,000 links related to piracy every single hour... The trailer for season six of Game of Thrones...
What is it?: A vision statement is a road map, indicating both what Transmithe.net wants to become and guiding transformational initiatives by...
The body responsible for deterring Australians from engaging in Internet piracy has rebranded with a some new blood at the top. The IP Awareness...
SEO CRACKED TOOLS: Hi guyz and glz We will have new things around soon. Cracked SEO tools. I am realy happy that we have this on our forum....
Hi guys Sorry to say site will be on and off for a while as we are working on php and other systems over the next few hours please bare with us...
Anti-piracy outfit Web Sheriff has found itself mired in controversy after asking a music metadata site to change information relating to the...
Usenet Provider and BREIN Continue Battle Over Piracy Keyword Filter The legal dispute between Hollywood-backed anti-piracy group BREIN and...
IF you have helped us get this far with a BTC donation, please, pm staff with the BTC amount and transaction time/date. We will make sure that a...
LegendSky, a hardware manufacturer that creates devices enabling consumers to bypass 4K copy protection, has informed a New York federal court...
Greetings from us! As many already know, the implementation of FLCoins is received 1 comment and 1 per FLC FLC per post forum (in addition to...
Norwegian economic crime police have seized the domain name of a local Popcorn-Time website. The site in question didn't offer any copyright...
Everyone running 2.90 on OS X should immediately upgrade to and run 2.92, as they may have downloaded a malware-infected file. This new version...
The Supreme Court in Spain has ruled that during a six year period a Warner Bros. themed park failed to compensate artists and rightsholders. The...
There's a global freeleech on hdclub.org until march 16th.
From GazelleGames (GGn) Staff - Quote: We will be moving the site to a new server tomorrow evening (PST). The site and tracker will be offline...
First of all we'll start with a potential security issue warning for Transmission versions 2.90 and 2.91. Ransomware was added to the official...
On March 4, we detected that the Transmission BitTorrent client installer for OS X was infected with ransomware, just a few hours after installers...
Due to some malware being implanted into rogue copies of OSX versions of Transmissions 2.9.00, We have banned the client on our tracker for the...
A site that uses a mashup of Spotify and YouTube to offer free music to the public has received a legal threat from Spotify. 'Syotify' makes use...
New Deployment Pending: Yeah Baby, yeah... Thanks to all our generous donors we have the required funds to deploy the new 2016 hardware! The...
Welcome everyone! We are only able to pay for one month at this point which isn't much. Please consider donating to extend our current lease....