The RIAA has joined adult publisher Perfect 10 in its appeal against Giganews. Both argue that the Usenet service is directly liable for the...
When file-sharers are investigated and ultimately brought to justice, what kind of punishment should they receive? Are fines enough in some cases...
French authorities have arrested the 22-year-old alleged operator of popular streaming site With over a million visitors a month...
As if Kanye West didn't have enough problems being $US53 million in debt, it now seems the hip-hop artist might have been caught trying to steal a...
Sunt 6 luni de cand am introdus sistemul de reputatie si spuneam ca ne vom lua o perioada de timp sa vedem cum evolueaza tot. A sosit momentul sa...
A little more than a week after the closure of owner SlySoft, controversial ripping tool AnyDVD is back. Now operating under the RedFox banner,...
Did Yeezy download a pirated version of synthesiser Serum? The rapper-slash-designer might have revealed too much on Twitter.. Kanye West uses...
Pirate Bay Offers Tech Support to Pirating Kanye West Kanye West was so outraged when he found out that his new album was being pirated by...
Hello All, The time has finally come to turn off the permanent Global FreeLeech that has been going on for some months now. While we know that...
CONTROVERSIAL rapper Kanye West has been caught out browsing popular torrent website The Pirate Bay after posting a photo of his computer browser...
Dear Friends, The last month of purchasing invites via the market just expired. From now one, we will enforce the rules that were voted here....
Play: A P2P Distributed Torrent Site Thats Impossible to Shut Down Quote: More than two years ago The Pirate Bay revealed a plan to...
BeyondHD is currently open for 7 Days ending 7th March 2016 8.00+12 GMT N'joy!!!
The site is now open for new member and will be open till Saturday 5 March so now the time to tell your friends as we don't open the site much....
Site News March 2016 Hello Torrentshackers :wave: Wow we are already into March 2016 :w00t: Donations While Bitcoin is our only donation method...
A group of prominent U.S. record labels have filed a lawsuit against the DIY online radio platform Radionomy, which also own Winamp and Shoutcast....
A man suspected of being the main operator of what was once Sweden's largest streaming site has been arrested in Germany following the execution...
Microsoft has filed a complaint at a federal court in Washington accusing a Comcast subscriber of activating various pirated copies of its... will have - Quote: "Freeleech with 02.29.2016 12:39 by 01.03.2016 12:39 (GMT + 3)! Download does not count!"
Last week's demise of SlySoft sent shockwaves through the DVD ripping community with many fearing for the movement's future. However, just days on...
In recent months Sci-Hub has become the center of an academic debate about copyright's mark on science. Despite being sued by one of the largest...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Deadpool' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Kung Fu Panda 3' 'Victor...
A FORMER studio worker faces the prospect of three years behind bars after pleading guilty to copyright infringement for illegally uploading a DVD...
All accounts have been recovered! If your accounts stats are wrong, post HERE and we will sort it out. We apologize for this unfortunate event!
PTM is going into 'the cloud'! As we've been hinting at over the last few weeks Pretome will be undergoing a full scale hardware change over in...
HELP SUPPORTING SC : We need your support to keep Secret Cinema alive. Your small contributions are VERY IMPORTANT for us to pay server...
Aki a szokásos címen keresi a LibraNet-et az ne lepődjön meg, ha nem jön be az oldal. Az oldal címét letiltották (eddig a használták,...
A 31-year old man from Lancaster has been arrested following an FBI investigation into several leaked DVD-screeners. The man, who worked in the...
Freeleech/Ratio free ends in 24 hours: Just giving one last notice that our birthday celebration and winter fundraiser period ends in 24 hours....
YTS was one of the world's most popular torrent sites until it was shut down by the MPAA last year. However, at least on paper the site might...