Do you have some free time and want to be part of the ItaTorrents staff? We are looking for 4 moderators: 2 moderators for the forum 1 moderator...
We Have 2 Late Night Shows Coming Up Guys As From The Polls You Wanted Late Night Shows On Friday And Saturdays So We Have 2 This Week Both...
The site is available at: https://un*****.net/ (blocked in the Russian Federation) ; https://un*****.org/ and https://un*****.club/ ;
Every day we ANSWER emails with questions, where are the subtitles, where are the series, where is the music. Unfortunately, it is not possible to...
Our tracker is dedicated exclusively to JAPANESE RAWS content! Daily, we add new content and value contributions from the community, who can...
Good evening to the crew, in 10 days is the next payment of the server. Any kid who wants to help keep the trawler alive please pm me or mr*****.
The site exemption has ended, please pay attention to your sharing rate. In addition, because there was no explanation in the site message when...
Thanks to Wa*****, the boss of the site, who spent his own money to provide free site for everyone for 7 days: 0:00 on February 19, 2024 to 23:59...
It is strictly prohibited to release films released during the Spring Festival in 2024. Please understand. Please understand that the release of...
Just a friendly reminder that when it comes to a web server, time is not on our side. Wanting to just put the word out for server bill...
add: search items from your watchlist on browse torrents page add: search items from your uploads on browse torrents page
Site wide FL All Torrents Free and Double Upload Happy Valentines set by Bl***** Until 19 Feb 2024 (1d 10:59:03 to go) "FL and double upload...
Hello everyone, hope you are safe and well? Like all trackers we are currently looking for uploaders, no experience necessary as we can guide you...
.....While waiting for Easter this year too we thought we would offer you this promotion 02/25/2024 - 04/03/2024 with a donation of 10 euros VIP...
The 10th anniversary of the launch of this site is coming up in April 2024. That is a reasonable enough milestone to make it worth celebrating in...
May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. The Al-Sayyid checkpoint system has been updated. - The system currently does not calculate...
I just added a function to sort torrents in the tracker user panel. It is used to sort the torrents that the user is currently serving by clicking...
Hello, We are asking for your help again, we are going through a very difficult period in which we have not received any donations and the costs...
Hello, the following two torrent clients: Deluge/2.1.1 libtorrent/ and Deluge/2.1.1 libtorrent/ are currently blocked. Things are...
By checking the account if the accumulation of H$r has not been returned to finish the seedtime the account risks being blocked. From where you...
Dear Users! We are looking for a quiz master for the site, based on the following criteria: Be reliable, communicative, fair, hold at least 1...
Hello dear users We have been noticing for some time that users do not adhere to their seeding times and do not fulfill their seeding...
Dear users. You can read more and more letters / forum messages that my download rights have been revoked and I can't improve my rate (my...
Possible Security Issue It has just been brought to my attention by another staff member that you can see OTW's shoutbox without even having an...
Discord Server Update The Discord server is currently an issue. To help with security I had made it so every user who was not given the role...
I got the forum rebuilt and fixed a couple small site issues. I'll finish up the forum after i wake up. There isn't much else I, or any other...
Dear all, The last few days have been uncertain, everyone has been wondering what happened to OTW and what are the consequences. I will...
fix: blackjack 1.When the game is abandoned by the dealer, the player wins by forfeit, no matter the card count of either player 2.When...
If you've noticed your download stats doubling on a torrent, the issue is with your torrent client. Libtorrent 1.2.x announces from all available...
Hi guys We will be celebrating Valentines with a 24 Hour Site-Wide Freeleech Start time: Wednesday 14th February 14:00h UTC End time: Thursday...