issue with can't receive invitation If your friends having to trouble receive invitation. You can send them the hash link to register. You can...
Dear users Earlier this month, we promised to give FreeLeech for a week if/when the donation meter hit 100% I'm happy to announce that we actually...
1. We will be open register 4 days from Beijing time 18:00 December 30th 2015 to 18:00 on January 2, 2016, at the same time whole site downloading...
The happy 2016 invite code is now officially expired ! Welcome all new members :)
New Year's Day 2016 to celebrate the station's open enrollment seed free Members TTHD friends! To celebrate the arrival of the New Year's Day of... TtN will be throwing it's doors wide open for open registrations for a couple of days...
MTV Recruitment Hey guys, Hope you all had a great Christmas! The holidays are a time of giving back to people who have helped support you...
2160p encodes/webdl/webrips with lossless audio are allowed, Rules page will be updated shortly. Also they will be automatically -25% freeleech...
Some members have reported that they are getting tracker failure notices. The problem is not widespread, but if you are experiencing this you can...
Laikini pakvietimai Sveiki LinkoManai! Ar jau įsivaiavote į ventinį atostogų metą ir pradėjote naudotis aktyvuotomis siurbėlėmis? Mes Jums...
Itt a vége! Köszönjük hogy ilyen sokáig velünk voltatok! Minden felhasználónak, feltöltőnek, moderátornak kijár a legmagasabb elismerés a kitartó...
TL Anniversary Lottery! Friday 25th of December 2015 11:54:56 PM As promised, December will be full of surprises! Christmas, New Year...
New rules for earning Invites Due to the large influx of users, it has been necessary to adapt the rules a little respect. Earning Invites. From...
HDChina Free leech during Christmas 圣诞狂欢,开启free leech 24小时!!圣诞快乐!! ====HDChina管理组==== Merry Christmas to all!! Free leech will last for... news: Inviteaktion 25. Dezember 12:00 Uhr bis 27. Dezember 12:00 Uhr 50% Rabatt auf Invites (25.000 statt 50.000 Seedbonus) Die...
2015-12-24 - Funky New Year 2016 Dear friends, registration is open and we're having freeleech from now till 15.01.2016. We wish you a Merry...
n order to meet the first birthday this site will be Beijing at 12:00 on December 27 open enrollment at the same time on December 27, the 28th...
2015.12.26 - Some explanations and future plans 1. Before the completion of the first novice of members to ensure an open examination before...
Christmas Competitions Since Christmas is here we have two competitions: First one is a contest to look for the best Christmas member profile on...
Merry Christmas to All and a Happy New Year! To the non Christians Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! To the Pagans, Just don't get caught!
As an official announcement does not exist, Free Leech is currently active.
Site is now Freeleech until Monday the 4th January, remember to seed back to site Rules. Happy Christmas to you all.
All of us at FunFile want to wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season! As part of this festive time the following will run until January...
Limited Time Christmas invitation notice Merry Christmas you pro special limited time offer to invite three (extras can send oh) passing...
Users that did registered earlier and did see Newbie assessment on your account and you don't want to take the assessment please reply: I WANT TO...
Holiday Bonus 3 The 3rd and final holiday bonus has now been activated: I have boosted the number of torrents that you can earn seed points on...
POSSIBLE SECURITY LEAK Dear Users We've had more than one report that a password used on CC has been used in an attempt to access other sites....