MERRY X-MAS! AND HAPPY FREE LEECH! As usual, since it's around Christmas/new year. ----------------------------------------------------- FREE...
Free leech for everyone for Christmas! Also anyone who DONATES for Elite Status will receive 50% additional upload added to their reported stats...
Free leech during Christmas 圣诞狂欢,开启free leech 24小时!!圣诞快乐!! ====HDChina管理组==== Merry Christmas to all!! Free leech will last for 24 hours....
Christmas Freeleech An impromptu site-wide freeleech is now in effect. It is Christmas after all Freeleech ends January 4th. Have fun!...
Everyone at XWT would like to wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. We have now activated a site-wide free leech until January 1st 2016....
Gay-Torrents : News Quote: To all of you, we wish you peace, love and friendship this holiday season. Quote: We wish to thank you for your...
This news was posted in SciHD homepage about 7 hours ago. Quote: Happy Holidays and Bot Talk It has been fairly quiet here this month of...
Staff-ul FileList vă doreşte sărbători fericite şi vă mulţumeşte pentru încă un an în care aţi fost alături de noi! Ca la fiecare ocazie...
God Jul og Godt Nyttår! Vi i Staben i Norbits vil ønske alle en Gledelig Jul og et Godt Nytt år! Årets julegave freeleech hele julehelgen. 4...
24 de Diciembre - Registros Libres Abiertos Mañana día 24 de Diciembre abriremos las puertas a registros libres sin invitación de 18:00 a 19:00....
Dear members. First of all want to say THANKS to all members who support us during last years. This helped us to survive and pay for servers,...
It's freeleech time. Download til your hearts content until january 1st 2016. See you next year!
Holiday Referrals - I have issued referrals just for the holiday period and members with left over referrals have been allowed to carry them...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year There will be GLOBAL FREELEECH the December 24 which starts tonight at. 0:00 and ends again on 24 Dec. at...
The Christmas Gift box ends on 25th December 2015 so grab while you can. We will be FREELEECH & DOUBLE UPLOAD from 24th December to 1st Jan...
Merry Christmas! -! Dear Users We wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Site is about to usher in the seventh year, thank you for your continued understanding and support of the environment is still poor, and the...
On behalf of all the staff I want to wish all of you a wonderful Xmas and a Happy New Year. Best of wishes to everyone and a big thank you for...
Happy Holidays Everyone!! In celebration of the season, we have some events starting up! First is the annual grid lotto. Please go here to...
IPT : Lottery update Ho, ho, ho... Put your skates on and join iPT Lottery!
All torrents are Double Upload (x2) between 2015-12-23 - 2016-01-02 (Please do not hit 'n' run, keep the torrents seeded!)
Happy Holidays from! Dear Brothers and Sisters, After over a year, we will be spending our first Christmas together. Usually at...
For the next 48 hours you will receive double the credits for any VIP Donation. If we reach our goal Freeleech will be enabled for 7 days....
We are sorry for the unexpected downtime over the past 24 hours. All4Nothin was compromised and someone decided to give themselves owner...
Torrent Vault:News Quote: For the next 48 hours you will receive double the credits for any VIP Donation. If we reach our goal Freeleech will... Quote: Happy Holidays! Wow! Double Donation all the way! Get double upload credit for every donation all this month! (Extended...
The biggest eating day is upon us, and the year is soon coming to an end. Personally, I have invited the whole family, and a little sweet poodle...
We've set everyone's Freeleech Token total to 25! We will expire these tokens on Sunday January 10th, at 23:59:59 site time. We never got around...