Invites are disabled again It seems invite emails are not going out, so we have disabled invites for most user classes while we look into the...
Popular torrent release group YIFY and its official YTS website have shut down permanently, trusted sources have confirmed to TorrentFreak. The...
Halloween Theme Contest Winners ! Slight change of plans towards the end of the contest however as we only had 2 entrants there was no need for a...
Again came the horrors of the night ... and zombi- boszorkányhadak became the main target for this year as well. As the years pass, the failed...
Happy Halloween!!! - 30/10/15 It's Halloween FL time. All horror movies are now FL through Sunday. So, settle in, watch a scary movie and soil a...
Large Russian torrent site RuTracker is currently polling its users over an issue that has the potential to seriously affect its future. Should...
The What.CD Eighth Birthday Celebration: FL Tokens, FLS and FM Picks! As our birthday celebration comes to a close, we would like to highlight...
As our birthday celebration comes to a close, we would like to highlight the contributions of our First-Line Support team and our Forum...
One Week Left for the Horror Upload Contest! Hey trick or treaters! Just a quick update to let you know that there is only one week left to...
Copyright holders have asked Google to remove more than 1,000,000,000 allegedly infringing links from its search engine in recent years. The...
India's Information Technology Minister has asked local Internet service providers to block at least 240 sites said to be offering 'pirate'...
Friends, As many of you already know, those of our customers who are on the territory of the Russian Federation threatens to lock access...
Auf-/Zuklappen Halloween Party inkl. Only Upload das ganze Wochenende [ATTACH] Translate : Halloween Party incl. Only upload the whole weekend
Efforts by Kim Dotcom's legal team to have his extradition hearing thrown out have failed today. As a result the Megaupload founder will begin his...
New Development Hi all, I have been overwhelmed by the responce from members to the news that the site was closing. The staff had a meeting...
A Google Chrome böngésző az egyik legnépszerűbb publikus torrentoldalt, a Kickass Torrents-et támadó webhelyként azonosítja. A többi nagyobb...
With great pleasure BeyondHD brings you a real Donation system 100% Safe 100% Secure 100% Automated A lot of work went into this system after...
Buffer those accounts folks. There is freeleech picks at!
Vreau sa fac un anunt legat de donatii, dar inainte de asta vreau sa fac ceva mai important, mai ales ca nu s-a facut niciodata si cred ca e cel...
New Torrent and Group Editing Permissions. We have added new torrent and group editing permissions. These changes should help the site stay more...
Following the mass blocking of more than 50 alleged pirate sites in Portugal this week, lawyers are questioning the legality of the action. Since...
Spotify Helps to Beat Music Piracy, European Commission Finds New research published by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre shows...
Guys, i'm glad to announce the upcomming Halloween celebration. We'll have not 24 but 48 hours of TOTAL free leech on ALL torrents (including...
We'd like to encourage our users to invite their trusted friends to What.CD. As part of our birthday celebration, we're offering ONE BONUS INVITE...
Dear Danish Bits users. Now slid once again a new competition launched here on Danish Bits The competition is a film and music competition...
Site is closing!!! Hi all , I am sorry to have to inform you that Paypal have again blocked our account Unfortunately this time they have...
Following an attempt by its developer to completely open-source Aurous this past weekend, the RIAA says a court order which bans distribution of...
The European Parliament adopted Europe's first net neutrality rules today, as part of the new telecoms package. However, many net neutrality...
The Orwell estate is cracking down on people who dare to use the number "1984" without permission. In a truly Orwellian move they have sent a...
The past year of What.CD's life has been eventful. Just a couple exciting events were the release of Ocelot 1.0, the beginning of an ambitious...