Freeleech until Oct. 29, 2015.
After nearly a week of silence YTS is still offline, and associated movie release group YIFY hasn't put out any new films either. While many...
All torrents are Double Upload (x2) between 2015-10-26 - 2015-11-01 . (Please do not hit 'n' run, keep the torrents seeded!)
Portuguese Internet providers have blocked access to more than 50 domain names of popular torrent sites and streaming portals. The blockades are...
After sending thousands of settlement demands to alleged pirates since last summer, a law firm in Finland is making good on its threats to sue....
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Inside Out' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Hitman Agent 47.' 'Everest'...
'Important Announcement Important Notice TTG has not released any official form of donations or a similar request! ! TTG has not released any...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITME!!!!!!!! TIME FOR FREELEECH!!! Good until the end of the month of October... //Bitme Staff
Almost all movie fans wants to be able to see Hollywood blockbusters soon after release but currently that can only be achieved in a cinema....
"Halloween Contests Time Again..." Quote: Happy/Scary halloween when it comes, so in the "spirit" of things we have a couple of contests, there...
[IMG] A Popcorn Time projekt (most eredeti, asztali alkalmazásként működő változatra gondolunk) soha nem volt unalmas, azonban a napokban ismét...
UK-based piracy tracking company has MUSO made an embarrassing mistake by crowning The Walk as the most pirated movie of last week. The error...
Password Resets! We rolled out some exciting new features today (documented in the Changelog), and with those features is a change to something...
If some of your friend joined HDW after March 2014, and their account is not exist on our current database, there is a chance for them to back to...
Coming Up : ATP Basel Swiss Indoors 2015 [ATTACH]
Home to many large piracy sites including ExtraTorrent, Ukraine is firmly on the radar of the U.S. government. However, in a transparent effort to...
Filmmaker Unions Want to Criminalize Streaming Piracy Two prominent filmmaker unions are urging the government to criminalize streaming piracy....
Happy Halloween everyone! As is customary around this time of year we're having a halloween freeleech. From right now until November 1 all movies...
A napokban jött a hír, hogy a Telekom NAT mögé tesz ismét jópár lakossági vonalat. Hogy ez mit is jelent? Azt, hogy nem lesz kívülről elérhető,...
The tracker is experiencing technical difficulties...Please leave your clients seeding.
We are having some major issues right now and LF is working diligently to fix them. I was going to make a page in the forum for members to post...
Dear Users! For the last weeks, we have been recovering from the serious breakdown, however, the PS website has gone through a number of...
Pressing Forward With Development at a halt, We know people have probably lost hope in the future of ToTV... We are starting to move things...
The main Popcorn Time fork has been pulled offline yet again. The problem was triggered by an exodus of developers, including the person who...
Donations, ScienceHD and TVRage Updates Due to a recent policy update by PayPal, we have decided that it's time for us to close our PayPal...
Pirate Party Beats Iceland’s Government Coalition in the Polls he Pirate Party in Iceland continues to gain support, causing a revolution in the...
Scheduled maintenance, upgrades and updates Hey MTV, This coming Sunday, October 25, I'm going to do some maintenance and upgrades to our...
A panel of three judges will soon decide whether The Pirate Bay should be blocked in Sweden. The case, which began yesterday in the Stockholm...
We will be having our next Mass Ratio Ban on October 24th @ 11PM GMT. This means ANYONE with a ratio below 0.7 will have their account disabled...
Cash Bounties for Catching Cinema Pirates Doubles in UK The Federation Against Copyright Theft has announced increased bounties for workers who...