2015.12.31 - CCF wish you all a Happy New Year 2016! New Year's Day 3 Vincent station FreeLeech!
Danish Bits wish all our users a Happy New Year. Thank you for 2015 to all those who have helped to make a difference. Other applications include...
Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios are suing the crowdfunded Star Trek spin-off "Prelude to Axanar." The makers initially aimed for a $10,000...
2015-12-31 - wish Happy Holidays to all of our Members have!
ListTorrent is starting out by an accidental inactivity. We need to help community members . Involved too. The post of Moderator accrual and...
> > Surprise < < < Sign is OPEN for a very limited time! allow your friends and family members access to the SceneTime community.
We are still facing huge DDoS attacks and though we have got the site back online we are still working on getting the tracker back. We hope to...
UPDATE : Holidays interviews are closed. Welcome to new members, we wish you to find a new home here. If you need any assistance don't forget to...
Hello fellow dawgs at the kennel! So the time has come where the champagne is chilled and is ready, the grill is on and the neighbor's cat is...
Avatar Problem + Awards Voting If your Avatar is gone, be aware that currently there is a bug in the system preventing you from resetting it - it...
X-MAS FREE LEECH PART 2! started part 2 everything but the mma category is free now until further notice Please don't download more than 5...
Site News All torrents are still FREE LEECH!! We've also got the Direct Download RSS feed working (finally).
Ratio Free and other thoughts Just a reminder that our ratio free period will end on January 2nd-ish. Thank you everyone for another great year...
the site is down for maintenance & will take it's time.. > check back on 1/1/2016 //staff
Copyright holders asked Google to remove more than 560,000,000 allegedly infringing links from its search engine in 2015. The staggering number is...
We firstly present a new gear named Timed Release System, this innovative function can fit more usage scenarios, to bring more convenience to our...
Hive-CM8 Apologizes For Leaking Hateful Eight DVD Screener The group behind the controversial leak of screeners this holiday season has...
Az IETF, vagyis az internetes szabványokért felelős testület, IESG munkacsoportja pénteken bejelentette, hogy új http státuszkódot fogadtak el. Az...
We're taking some time to address site issues before returning. GGn is not gone, but we will be down longer than anticipated
Notice of the way to appeal From now on, BBS will not accept any appeal for PT users If you have any question of your banned account, please send...
site issues in consequence of our recent downtime So the site is back and hobbling along for now. We are aware of three issues that have sprung...
Úgy tűnik, homokszem került a gépezetbe, a Hive-CM8 ugyanis több helyről származó információk alapján is felhagyott a friss screenerek kiadásával....
[IMG] Az idei évben a sorozatok közül a Games of Thronest töltötték le a legtöbben (ahogyan egyébként tavaly, meg előtte és előtte), a filmek...
[IMG] Komoly bajban van a Pirate Bay, majdnem az összes “hydra” domain nevét elvesztette. Ezek voltak azok, amelyekre a korábbi állandó fő domain...
Tracking agency Excipio reports more people watched pirated films in 2015, with Fast & Furious 7 in second place on Hollywood’s least favourite...
Announcement: PtN Review Team Howdy, pirates ! Recently, PTN is looking for a tough Internal Review Squad to share their personal opinions...
The people responsible for posting more than a dozen leaked DVD-screeners over the past several days have stopped their dump. Various sources cite...
As some will be aware we have been down for the past few hours. We are currently under DDoS attack and the server has been taken offline in order...
Most of the UK's biggest retailers are currently running sales but those looking for Amazon's Fire TV Stick will go home disappointed. After...
Best Torrent Sites 2015 Following, We are sharing Best torrent sites 2015 with no down time and are being updated regularly.Torrent which is one...