IF YOU have ever downloaded, or more importantly uploaded movies, TV shows and music, be scared. Be very scared. According to a leaked version of...
We are working on the site, sorry for the inconvenience. All data is safe. We'll be back soon.
The Internet will soon be quite different, as downloaders of illegal software, movies and songs will be seen as criminals and will be cracked down...
Hello, As you all know by now the old bitleechers.me site is now shutdown and gone. The new site is http://www.bitleechers.net and click on "join...
When SOPA was imminent, Internet users expressed concerns that web blocking might "break the Internet". The legislation didn't pass, but according...
Today, 08:20 AM - Site Down Time Quote: Greetings all, Apologies for the recent down times. The first downtime was due to a hard drive failure...
As many members are probably aware we are no longer able to accept Paypal and unfortunately this is unlikely to change due to our Paypal account...
For the first time in years, online piracy rates have dropped significantly in Australia. The downswing coincides with the launch of Netflix,...
Australians are at risk of having their personal data exposed to lax privacy laws offshore, and may be locked into outdated copyright legislation,...
Software’s developer claims it’s a player for music from legal sources, but industry body RIAA says it’s sourcing songs from piracy sites. Major...
A new theme has been made called R3V D4RK CHROM3 go check it!
SEASONED illegal downloaders continue to pirate despite the arrival of Netflix and other online streaming content, according to the entertainment...
The RIAA has wasted no time in filing a lawsuit against recently launched music application Aurous. Just days after its alpha launch, Florida...
Legutóbb a microbit került holtvágányra szervergondok miatt. Egyből kinyitottak a tori oldalak. :D Szép dolog, hogy ennyien a segítségükre...
Major recording labels including Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music and EMI have filed a lawsuit to have one of the world's largest torrent...
WikiLeaks: ISPs to hand over copyright infringer details under TPP The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will force internet service providers...
Thousands of Torrent Site Proxies Disappear Thousands of reverse proxies that provided access to blocked torrent sites such as The Pirate Bay and...
This weekend the long-awaited music app Aurous was released to the public. The app's creator promised that the app would be the Popcorn Time for...
Én több oldalon is láttam, hogy leírják mennyi felhasználóval lett több a reg után. :) Ha egy oldal megszűnik, farkasként nyit a többi. Ezek nem...
HDME.eu News! Paypal Donation are UP again! Hello, We have once again added the paypal donations page to the site. Donation can now be made via...
Az insane lassan ezernél jár. :)
SC4R IS HIRING!!! To any encoder's out there, this is for you. If you'd like the opportunity to join SC4R, and internal release group here at...
Currently Going On : ATP Shanghai Masters 2015 - [ATTACH]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Open signups In order to gain som new blood to the site we will hold open signups this weekend. Friday is the starter and sunday is closing...
Seeking clarification, a Dutch court has referred several streaming related questions to the EU Court of Justice. The questions relate to a case...
Nem élhette meg a kilencedik születésnapját a 2006 óta üzemelő 1st, a NAV rászállt a torrenttrackerre. Az üzemeltetők a hivatalnak és a...
Dallas Buyers Club (DBC) is pressing ahead with efforts to bring its piracy lawsuit business model to Australia. Despite a big setback in August...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Southpaw' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Jurassic World.' 'Terminator...
Túl sok információ nincs egyelőre, ami viszont van, az legalább “hivatalos”, a 1st Facebook oldaláról származik: Kedves felhasznalok biztonsagi...