Már csak néhány nap, és kezdetét veszi Közép-Kelet Európa Független IT Biztonsági Fesztiválja. Az előadások, workshopok mellett kötetlen...
05.10.2015 We are growing even more! We got a new Blu-ray Internal releaser! Please, make KESH feel our warm welcome...
A group of prominent RIAA labels have asked a Florida federal court to issue a default judgment against piracy site MP3Skull. The music...
Waffles Staff Picks: October 2015 Edition Waffles Staff Picks - October Edition Welcome to the October edition of the Waffles.fm Staff Picks....
Recruitment for Helpers & Seeders We're recruiting "Seeder" for seeding HDArea、EPiC、HDATV、DIY@HDArea. The requirements of Seeder: 1.Owning a big...
After the United States were given several days to state their case against Kim Dotcom and his former business associates, this morning lawyers...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Jurassic World' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Tomorrowland.' 'Terminator...
UPDATE: The freeleech event is now over. Upload and download will count as they normally do.
Forum Quote: There is one. From time to time its useful for information and even to talk to some nice people. Try it. Waiting for everyone else...
Contest time ! Quote: Halloween Theme (CSS) Contest With Halloween just around the corner (31st October) staff thought it would be good for...
Ddos-attack Quote: Just nu är vi utsatt för en Ddos-attack , Vi jobbar på att lösa detta! //Luddde Kl : 18.30 Translate Ddos-attack Quote:...
Hello, We are proud to announce the new site bitleechers and irc are now up and running. The site still needs some tweaking and editing, but with...
As you know over the years the movies and also pc games etc have been getting much larger.We had a poll for our staff to see if we could help our...
After being sentenced to close to three years in prison for recording the movie Fast & Furious 6 and uploading it to the Internet, Philip Danks...
Throughout the rest of October we want you to see some horror... Here's a few details about what's going on... BitHQ's Halloween wrote: All...
Piratestracker Quote: We would like to inform everyone of the site failed, who can not login to the site thank you for your patience, we...
BitTorrent is a very efficient way to share large files, but not a very private one. It's commonly known that anti-piracy outfits monitor users...
This week users of popular torrent sites found that they could no longer access them using their VPN. Speaking with TorrentFreak the operator of...
Theme of the of Ocober 2015 Quote: [img] - War movies - for every uploaded on "War Movies" in October 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb...
AutoWatch is BACK!! Quote: We had a few issues with new TV shows with TVRage being down.. we have now migrated to MULTIPLE sources for our TV,...
TCO HaB encode of the month - October Quote: This month, we feature another 1080p. This was a HaB encode submitted by shuttleboy. This month's...
NextGen flytter til et nyt domæne! (Yep! Du læste rigtigt!) Quote: Siden åbningen i 2010, har du kunnet finde os på adressen https://nxtgn.org,...
Pirate Bay aside, pretty much all large torrent sites remove links to pirated content when they're asked to. Bitsnoop, for example, has deleted...
XWT's 10 Year Anniversary! We have reached a massive milestone, not only within the torrent community but within the internet in general. Because...
September Updates and staff shuffle Quote: Hello! It's been a while since our last announcement but I'd like to assure you we haven't been...
-No News is Good News! No News is Good News! :: Staff