[IMG] Ahogy közeledünk az év vége felé, egyre nagyobb figyelemet kap a jövő évi Oscar. Nincs ez másként a torrent világában sem, a...
Dear Brothers, Sisters, Pirates, Friendly Trackers, Enemies, After over a year, we will be spending our first Christmas together. Usually at this...
All torrents are Double Upload (x2) between 2015-12-23 - 2016-01-02 (Please do not hit 'n' run, keep the torrents seeded!)
We've set everyone's Freeleech Token total to 25! We will expire these tokens on Sunday January 10th, at 23:59:59 site time. We never got around...
The biggest eating day is upon us, and the year is soon coming to an end. Personally, I have invited the whole family, and a little sweet poodle...
Kim Dotcom Can Be Extradited to the United States, Judge Rules Following an extradition hearing lasting 10 weeks, today New Zealand District...
Routing Feature Can Expose VPN Users Real IP-Addresses A VPN is generally touted as an ideal tool to remain anonymous online, but this is more...
As you are hopefully aware we have added a new tracker to the site to replace the old one in the long term. Now for every Santa there is a Grinch...
“The Hateful Eight” and “The Revenant” have leaked to piracy sites after screeners were sent to voters for awards consideration, according to data...
The BPI says that the leaders of both its Content Protection Unit and Head of Internet Investigations will be removed following an anti-piracy...
Holidays It's that time of year again, winter is upon us, and a fat old man in a red fur coat breaks into your house and leaves things for you,...
Hello and Welcome to Bitleechers We have been tweaking the site the past couple of weeks and the target was the Hit and Run System. We wanted to...
New bonus game DB DG So it is once again time for a new bonus game on the DB. This time, it was the Danish Bits Donation Game! Try the game in form
Guys just a reminder about torrent comments. Please see this torrent comment thread. No Thanks on torrent comments!
Error 451: Theres Now an HTTP Code for Internet Censorship Increasingly, Internet providers are being instructed by courts to block access to...
Hi everyone! To end the year of our 10th anniversary, we proudly announce the new movie search engine. From now on, all uploads on all movie...
Tracker is down for maintenance... We'll be back soon.
Hazai tracker infók és egy kis kenyér [IMG] Megpróbálunk újra életet lehelni a sorozatba, és időnként összeszedjük a kisebb-nagyobb hazai torrent...
The websites of the torrent clients Deluge and qBittorrent, as well as the torrent site SumoTorrent, have reportedly been compromised. Access to...
Invites We are aware of the issue where people cannot signup with invite codes, we are working to fix this within 72 hours.
Hiya, Very soon we will start our annual IPT Holiday 2015, enjoy the New Year 2016 Lottery! This one will be for " Holiday 2015, enjoy the New...
Merry Christmas !!! All Torrents Free When you see a little star, please remember to thank them! set by Cat Freeleech Until 27 Dec 2015
High quality copies of some of the year's most anticipated movies have begun leaking to torrent sites. Screeners of The Hateful Eight and The...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'The Intern.' tops the chart this week, followed by The Peanuts Movie' 'Pan'...
The 2nd holiday bonus has now been activated as follows: FOR NON DONORS ONLY: All active wait time before torrents start to earn seed points has...
Social media blunders, the Ashley Madison "data dump" and the government passing controversial anti-piracy laws were just some of the most popular...
When Authors Demand Payment For Every Copy, They Advocate Communism Yes, really. There's a whole lot of confusion in the dangerous and wrong...
Charity Campaign Quote: Can you help! You and you give a helping hand to a family struggling to cope with the problems but fails alone. If heart...
KickassTorrents Launches its Own Release Group Quote: KickassTorrents, the world's most popular torrent site, has launched its own release group....
Happy Holidays Everyone!! In celebration of the season, we have some events starting up! First is the annual grid lotto. Please go here to...