Devido as mudança de servidor tivemos que gastar todos os recursos financeiros do site e estamos no zero. Sua contribuição é muito importante para...
As usual we have lots of treats and surprises lined up for Xmas here at TVC! FreeleechWe will be having a site-wide freeleech on the 24th & 25th...
Dallas Buyers Club Still Pursuing Aussie Pirates For Cash The company behind the movie Dallas Buyers Club is determined to convince an Australian... have opened up bluflix for the rest of December. Please take this advantage to enjoy some high definition streaming. The reason...
We are pleased to announce that we have updated the way the img tag handles images, this should mean that pages with many images should be easier...
MERRY CHRISTMAS With Christmas fast approaching we have created a new Christmas category in movies so now you can get all your Christmas...
RIAA and Aurious Settle Piracy Lawsuit for $3 Million Quote: Last October saw the much hyped public release of Aurous, a music player that tapped...
网站近期被攻击的很惨烈,已上了防御策略 具体效果如何还需要再观察。 目前站内一些功能暂时无法使用,我们会尽快修复。 无法收到找回密码邮件的会员仍需要耐心等待官方集中反馈页面,请相互转告。 望各位理解并继续予以支持,谢谢! Website has recently been...
The European Commission has officially presented its plan to abolish geo-blocking and filtering restrictions across EU member states. The new...
Signup closed We have been opening our doors to alot of dogs looking for a new home after the shutdown of We now belive that most of...
New data published by Canadian broadband management company Sandvine reveals that BitTorrent can be credited for a quarter of all upstream...
Password Expiration Today, we rolled out the long-anticipated password expiration. After a set amount of time, accounts with expired passwords...
Leaks from a confidential auditor report into the activities of bankrupt anti-piracy law firm Johan Schlüter suggest that the company defrauded... back on online site and tracker both are up now
2015-12-07 - Hi everyone, we're pimping our annual VIP promotion again as we do every year. Any donations made starting today until the end of...
People selling unwanted eBooks online have been warned that their activities could result in six months imprisonment. However, anti-piracy group...
We would like to begin by saying welcome to all the new users, and to apologize for the problems that have helped speed the last few days. It is...
Busted Kickass and Pirate Bay Uploaders Crowdfund Fines Two Dutch men busted by local anti-piracy group BREIN for uploading to The Pirate Bay...
Mail problems! Lately e-mails from jpopsuki stopped reaching users with Microsoft mailboxes (, @, If you plan...
People who download stuff from torrents and other cracked software providing websites have a very bad news because a user recently downloaded a...
YOU can choose your own style for PTF ! simply choose the styles option & make your own theme, You can also share your theme by submitting it for...
Denmark's largest torrent site and one of the country's largest overall says it has shut down in order to protect tens of thousands of users....
"As you may have noticed we have been experiencing some issues recently here at AHD. This is due to ongoing attacks on our infrastructure, our...
UPDATE : Community Poll / Invites We need community vote regarting the future of invites system, you can place the vote here. The vote will last...
Welcome to We would like to begin by saying welcome to all the new users, and to apologize for the problems that have helped speed the last few...
Pirate Bays .org Domain Suspended Pending ICANN Verification Pirate Bay's original .org domain was suspended by EuroDNS a few hours ago, after...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials.' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Goosebumps'...
Christmas 2015 Open Registrations Welcome Guys :wave: We are looking forward to your sign up this christmas , We pride ourselves on being one of...
OPEN REGISTRATION 23:59 Be sure to tell your friends;) WARNING!! 2 account for the same IP = BAN
Nvidia has backtracked after publishing an article which advised customers to use a site known for 'pirate' addons in order to boost the...