: News DJ Play Off Hello all We will be running a DJ play off, Date to be confirmed $20 & VIP Prize for the winner anyone... : News Hardware migration complete! If you're seeing this, it means you're on the new server! Look for improved site responsiveness...
Trancetraffic : News Hello TTzens! As is customary for X-mas time, we are having our 2-month promotion. Any donations made starting today until...
GazelleGames : News A GGN Christmas Merry Christmas and happy holidays GGNers! We've got lots of things going on this month, so let's jump right...
TorrentShack: News Downtime (November 2014) As some you might have noticed, during the last 2 weeks of the last November, we were having several...
Bit-HDTV: News Maintenance We will be back in : 3days 20 hours
Google Removes Pirate Bay Apps From Play Store Google removed several popular Pirate Bay apps from the Play Store today. An email sent to...
World’s Largest BitTorrent Tracker Goes Down OpenBitTorrent, the largest BitTorrent tracker on the Internet, has been offline for more than a... : News Hardware migration! Please read! Due to the unprecedented success of our latest round of opening donations and the generosity... News I am pleased to announce that Friday the 5th of December will be the second birthday of UHDBits! I, Admin Gemini wish you all...
HDBits : News New bonus point earning system! As stated in the thread about the new bonus point spending options, we've also revamped the earning...
Goem : News All torrents in the Christmas Collection are free. Missing or incorrect entries should be reported to staff.
Torrentshack New Downtime (November 2014) As some you might have noticed, during the last 2 weeks of the last November, we were having several...
Hdbytes : News Button REPORT Hi folks ... Recollect that the animated "Report this Torrent" report is for that ... if there is any problem. It is...
Blu-Evolution : News Title: Donations Hello Everyone. It's the first time we have had to do this and hopefully it's not something that will...
HD-Access : News Christmas Banner Design Competition Hello people, its that time of the year to put up the stockings, the tree and the Christmas...
Blackcats-games : News Referals I have issued most users with 2 referal codes, simply so we can give the referal system a good testing. if you...
Court Orders French ISPs to Block The Pirate Bay The Paris Court has ordered French ISPs to block access to The Pirate Bay. The legal action,...
Kim Dotcom’s Hong Kong Millions Unfrozen.. Momentarily More than US$42 million of assets belonging to Kim Dotcom were unfrozen today by a Hong...
XtremeZone | News Starting today XtremeZone | has blocked China users, complete ban.
Police Shut Down Spain’s Top ‘Pirate’ Streaming Sites Following a complaint filed by 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, Disney, Universal, Paramount...
Empornium : News Torrent Presentation Awards Hello Pervs! Just a quick update that we just awarded several uploaders for making most awesome...
Szia! Ne ide küld hanem magára az oldalra:) Már ha regizve vagy! Üdv:Anime
Rendszer 2014-12-03 14:53:07 Zenészkvíz jövőhéten is folytatódik új képekkel. Pm-ben értesítünk mindenkit az indulásról. Addig is itt vannak a...
A nyeremény 500 mb ! Ki a szám előadója ? Kicsavartál hosszú éjszakákon, Csúcs voltál, elismerem. Tudsz mindent egyszer, vagy kétszer, Vagy...
03.12.2014 - Napi gyors kvíz ki játssza a barátok köztben Zsófi szerepét ? helyes válaszokat h*-nak lehet elküldeni. Minden helyes válaszadó...
közérdekü közlemény Megkérünk mindenkit, aki utorrent 3.4.2-es verziót használ, hogy a saját és a közösség érdekében cserélje azt le. Hibás...
The Horror Charnel (THC) News The site wide freeleech meter has reached 100% and freeleech will last until the 10th.
Bit-HDTV News Hi all, We have decided to add new rules regards to our invite forum section, please read the message carefully. In light of the...
Thegft : News DDOS Sorry about the recent downtime - its due to DDoS.