Filmmakers claim that the Dutch Government has tolerated and even encouraged unauthorized downloading for years. In response, a local filmmakers'...
Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm is a free man again after serving three years in prison for hacking and copyright offenses. His release...
曾经就有不少会员在不同渠道提到考核的事,好吧现在考核可能真的要来了。 然而为什么要考核,考核的利弊是什么,这可能也是一部分人心中的疑问。从站点的角度出发,想必大家也可以看 到,在经历过几次开放注册后,有相当比例的账号由于无任何流量被系统自动删除了,此外还有一批有少许流量但...
Quote: All account passwords have been removed since our upgrade. Please reset your password via email in order to login to your account. Also...
AnimeBytes has reached its user limit - invite applications currently closed.
Aurous, the music equivalent of Popcorn Time, is just two weeks away from alpha release but anti-piracy outfit Rightscorp is already touting a...
Award Announcement: Order of the Siteripper Just a quick update that we've just awarded a...
In a rewards program that lasted five years, Megaupload paid out more than $3m to users who uploaded content the site. One of those was paid more...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Tomorrowland' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Minions.' 'Mad Max: Fury Road'...
Quebec-sharing is "black down" for a period of 24 hours. What for? Despite numerous requests donations, few people are mobilizing. All things can...
Quote: As we now have multiple choices for themes on our source code, we thought it would be a good idea to have a competition for a new bitGAMER...
You may need to visit your Settings page to re-enable avatars if you're not seeing them, as the new setting has apparently turned them off for...
Last year Philip Danks was sentenced to almost three years in jail for recording Fast and Furious 6 and uploading it to the Internet. After a...
O problemă hardware a cauzat căderea rețelei. Vă mulțumim pentru răbdare și ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele neplăceri cauzate! Administrația...
Streitthemen, Asylbewerber, Meinungen Quote: Hi Leute, wieder einmal muss ich feststellen, dass unterschiedliche Meinungen über diverse Themen,...
2015.09.27 - free cum all stations open invitation to register notice | Global Freech and Invitation system open Notice 天涯共此时festival times Sze!...
Title: Invite System Activated! Quote: As we have activate the Invite system free registrations are no longer available. From now on you can...
Od 1 października 2015 rozpocznie się "sprzątanie" kont na HQS. Quote: Konta nieużywane (bez pobrań, bez logowań) będą systematycznie usuwane bez...
The Austrian Pirate Party is running a rather unusual advertising campaign on one of the largest Internet porn sites. Using an image of the...
Norbit 10 years! NorBits er 10 år. Kan du tro det? :-O Er hele 10 år siden vi ble til. Dere som har vært med fra dag en er 10 år ELDRE en det...
This week copyright holders applauded a 'groundbreaking' anti-piracy commitment from GroupM, the world's largest advertising media company. The...
The Ugly Face Konkurrence Quote: Så skydes der gang i en lille konkurrence her på Danishbits. Konkurrencen går ganske enkelt ud på, at du skal...
Developers Wanted !!! Quote: Hi guys, How you already know, we are working on V1 of the site.But, how we said in the previous news we had some...
Invite only Quote: We have closed the doors at Twilight. We are invite only now for a while. We did make our server costs this month. today is...
The popularity of streaming movie app Popcorn Time is being leveraged once again, with several hundred users now being targeted for downloading a...
Taylor Swift is cracking down on fans who share live footage of her concerts through Twitter's Periscope app. The singer has a dedicated online...
Copyright holders celebrated a landmark victory early September when a Norwegian court ordered local ISPs to block the Pirate Bay. A breakthrough...