Desc Gen is back!! Quote: The description generator is now fully working. It no longer uses TVRage, so when you use it, please use a TVDB ID not...
Google is facing a never-ending flood of takedown requests from copyright holders but there's also another problem cropping up. Spammers are now...
36 Best Audiobooks for Your Road Trip and Beyond Quote: For your listening pleasure from Book Riot: We at Book Riot heart audiobooks just as...
Thank you RevolutionTT members for your support !! Quote: We made it through the month ! We want to share the love and say how much we appreciate...
GREEK TEAM ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ Quote: Από σήμερα, 18/9/2015, απαγορεύεται η χρήση seedbox ή οποιουδήποτε τύπου server...
The Pirate Bay and several other locally significant 'pirate' sites have been placed on an advertising blacklist. The initiative is the fruit of...
We know exactly what it's like to lose a tracker, because we were in the same boat three years ago. bB took in our refugees when we closed, and...
When uTorrent came out in 2005 the application was instantly embraced by many BitTorrent users. Billed as an "efficient and small" torrent client...
We changed the rule that was restricting the upload of HD (BluRay x264) to only the first 720p and first 1080p . Now, if the movie is allready...
Every month, shows get pirated on outlets like The Pirate Bay and Kickasstorrents. Interestingly enough, depending on the time of year, different...
New data published by Canadian network management company Sandvine reveals that BitTorrent's share of total Internet traffic during peak hours is...
The site is freeleech, no seed to back :)
Dear friends, Today it's the first anniversary of our little baby.One year ago we registered our first domain This site had completely...
MPA Deputy General Counsel Okke Visser has revealed that European instances of site blocking on copyright grounds now exceed 500. During a...
PLEASE READ Due to the general unreliability and safety concerns that come with accepting donations via PayPal due to the nature of this...
September's Featured Film Artist of the Month: British director!, cinematographer/DoP, writer and actor Jack Cardiff Check out the newly...
Hey Guys, We have received a report of a suspicious PM asking you for donations. Along the lines of donating more than 0.10btc will give you 5TB!...
Local Internet providers in Iceland have reached an agreement with entertainment industry representatives to prevent subscribers from accessing...
This week the French "three strikes" anti-piracy system has been in operation for five years. To commemorate the event the HADOPI agency...
We recently discovered a broken connection in Redis that was giving people passkey errors, but we did a little fixing and it should be okay now....
Professor Lawrence Lessig has provided an expert opinion in support of Kim Dotcom and his Megaupload co-defendants. In submissions filed today in...
Donation Update Just a slight adjustment to the process when users Donate, once you have donated please be sure to Private Message XMaTriX the...
In a lawsuit filed by Elsevier, one of the largest academic publishers, the operator of is facing millions of dollars in damages....
Adult movie studio Malibu Media has received a slap on the wrist from New York federal judge Katherine Forrest. The company asked permission to...
How to lose your account. - 2015-09-15 Internet Security 101 here: Never use the same username and password on more than one site! If you do,...
A controversial UK Conservative party video portraying the Labour party's new leader in a negative light has been taken down by YouTube. The...
Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN has taken Google to court in an effort to obtain the personal details of one of its users. The account in question...
Time flies and it's already the end of the 2nd week in September which means it's time for the next referrals review. I have now allocated this...
Bitcoin Donation SCAM! Hey, recently we have come across a few members claiming to have received PM originating from a staff's username asking...
Coders Needed! Quote: As of ~September 6th 2015, TVRage has bit the bullet. Scatter around the interwebs is that it's servers are being moved due...